Brody Benton, DuPont Crop Protection, gave us an update at TradeTalk about ways growers can take advantage of sound agronomics from DuPont Crop Protection and Pioneer seed salespeople to improve profits during a difficult time with low commodity prices. Brody says there are two avenues to maintain profitability at a time like this: either cut input costs or produce more … Read More
Residual Herbicides Key To Fighting Resistance
Jeff Carpenter, with Dupont Crop Protection, spoke with me at TradeTalk to give an update on DuPont’s latest herbicide product, Trivence, and the importance of preventing resistant weeds using residual herbicides. “Farmers are understanding there is an issue with Roundup not controlling the weeds it did 4-5 years ago. For the pigweed species especially (both palmer and waterhemp), as well … Read More
MachineryLink Sharing Adds Revenue For Growers In Off-Season
Sometimes referred to as the Airbnb of ag equipment, MachineryLink Sharing offers growers a way to access equipment that they need while respecting that current market conditions aren’t favorable towards purchasing new equipment. MachineryLink Sharing also offers an added revenue stream for both growers and ag retailers who would have equipment sitting idle at various times of the year. I … Read More
Cargill Celebrating 150 Years
Cargill is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year and during the recent NAFB Trade Talk we spoke with Tony Nuemann of Cargill Ag to learn more about the company. Nuemann says Cargill’s grain marketing contracts, with ProPricing being one of the most popular, have grown and expanded over the years to help farmers. “We were trying to find a market … Read More
FarmEngine Platform Aims To Streamline On-Farm Decisions
iCropTrak, makers of mobile farm management and agriculture decision tools, are stepping up to the plate even further with FarmEngine. FarmEngine aims to fill a gap in data management within farm operations by streamlining the decision-making process for growers and their advisors (think co-ops, consultants, and retailers). Using Rules, which are set based on if/then statements, growers can create reminders, … Read More
FarmLink Continues to Put Farmers First With TrueHarvest
Kevin Heikes, with FarmLink, spoke with Precision.AgWired while at TradeTalk to give us an update on TrueHarvest and what’s next for FarmLink. TrueHarvest is the first and only yield benchmarking service that uses objective, accurate data to show your farm’s full range of yield potential and actual yield performance, down to a 150 sq. ft. area. As TrueHarvest was launched, … Read More
Wheat Growers’ Applicator Finalist for Operator of the Year
Four finalists have been named to AGCO’s Operator of the Year award; one will be announced as 10th Annual Operator of the Year at the 2015 ARA Conference and Expo in California December 1-3, 2015. Curtis Fick, Wheat Growers’ lead applicator at the Carpenter location, has been chosen as one of four national finalists for AGCO’s Operator of the Year … Read More
InventionShare Launches Circuit Seed Inventions In Precision Ag
InventionShare, a company that help inventors get their latest inventions launched & marketed, announced the development of the Circuit Seed family of inventions. With rapid growth in the precision ag market, the potential impact of accurate sensor technology continues to grow. When all production factors are known, typically monitored through the use of sensors; nutrients in the soil, humidity, solar … Read More
AcreValue Helps Growers Manage Expansion Opportunities
AcreValue, often referred to as the Zillow for farmland, is a tool for farmers, landowners, and investors to understand the value and productive capacity of a piece of farmland. Tamar Tashjian, GM for AcreValue, updates us on what new with AcreValue, and what’s coming next. Granular, the parent company, started as a farm management company geared towards large farm operations. … Read More
3RIVE 3D In-Furrow Crop Protection Offers Speed, Simplicity
The FMC 3RIVE 3D System has had a season in use and our own Chuck Zimmerman caught up with Rick Ekins, FMC, while at Trade Talk to get an update. “We started this spring with the first 36 applicators installed on farms. The biggest things are you have such a low volume of water and you’re able to apply an … Read More