Bayer-Monsanto Merger, Some Say Bad News

Jamie JohansenZimmPoll

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What’s your opinion of the Bayer-Monsanto deal?” The mega merger is still in the news and a small majority of pollers seem to believe the Bayer-Monsanto deal is bad news for the industry. As the companies work out the kinks farmers will soon see what the future holds and how this consolidation will impact … Read More

Bayer-Monsanto Deal, Has Your Opinion Changed?

Jamie JohansenZimmPoll

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “How long until we have autonomous tractors on the market??” Both New Holland and Case IH debuted autonomous concept tractors during the Farm Progress Show. It seems many believe we will see these tractors on the marketplace sooner than later. Here are the poll results: Very soon – 30% 5 years out – 27% … Read More

When Will Autonomous Tractors be on the Market?

Cindy ZimmermanCase IH, New Holland, Tractor, ZimmPoll

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “How important is immigration/farm labor to election?” This is really a pretty easy one to guess the results to. Somewhat to Very Important got about 84% of the votes. It certainly is an issue for debate in our upcoming Presidential election. Our new ZimmPoll is live and asks the question, How long until we … Read More

Presidential Election – Is Immigration/Farm Labor Important?

Jamie JohansenZimmPoll

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Is agriculture still relevant at state fairs?” I won’t disclose my age, but I will say I have never missed a Missouri State Fair. No, I am not a carney. I was there with my dad as he managed FFA shows and exhibits, I have exhibited my own cattle and more recently have attended … Read More

Future of Ag Tech Equals Collaboration

Jamie JohansenZimmPoll

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What will play the biggest role in the future of agriculture?” During the 2016 InfoAg Conference, Jack Uldrich, acclaimed global futurist, speaker and best-selling author, shared thoughts on what the world may look like in just a few short years. Collaboration rose to the top and shows we need to keep all of the … Read More

Future of Ag – What Will Have Biggest Impact?

Jamie JohansenZimmPoll

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Is the Clinton-Kaine Democratic ticket good for agriculture and/or energy?” I am not quite sure this week’s pollers have anymore confidence in the Clinton-Kaine team when it come to agricultural and energy issues. Clinton has backed biotech, the Farm Bill, animal welfare, climate and the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). And Kaine seems somewhere in … Read More

Voters Don’t Trust Trump-Pence Stand on Ag, Biofuels

Joanna SchroederZimmPoll

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Is the Trump-Pence Republican ticket good for agriculture, energy?” During his campaigning Trump has been supporter of biofuels and has repeatedly said he could “be a farmer.” Indiana Governor Mike Pence has vocally supported the ag industry understanding and supporting small farms and large agribusinesses. However, this week’s pollers seem to think differently with … Read More

Is the Trump-Pence Republican Ticket Good for Ag?

Joanna SchroederAgribusiness, ZimmPoll

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What do you think about the Senate’s GMO Disclosure Bill? The Senate has passed it’s version of the GMO Disclosure Bill followed by the House passing the National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard, and the President is expected to sign the bill into law soon. However, 40 percent of voters believe the legislation is bad … Read More

Your Thoughts on the Senate #GMO Disclosure Bill?

Joanna SchroederGMO, ZimmPoll

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What cookout cuisine do you bring to the table?” We’re well into grilling season and hot off an Independence Day weekend. Burgers and pasta salad were high on the list. In the Other category we got answers like my favorite – steak! Here are the poll results: Pasta Salad – 25% Cheese Burgers – … Read More

What cookout cuisine do you bring to the table?

Jamie JohansenZimmPoll

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What does Brexit mean for ag?” It’s been about a week since the United Kingdom voted themselves out of the European Union. I will have to agree with the majority in this poll. It is too early to tell the complete global impact this decision will have on the agricultural industry. The value of … Read More