AgriLife Extension Tests Sprinkler System

Kelly MarshallAgribusiness, Irrigation, water, Water Management

In an effort to conserve water, manufacturers have been making smart irrigation for landscapes.  These sprinkler systems sense the water in the ground and apply just the right amount of moisture to lawns.  Now Charles Swanson of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Services is testing those irrigation systems to see if they are as accurate as they say. Originally, Swanson and Dr. … Read More

Farm Foundation Hosts Forum About ESA

Kelly MarshallAg Group, Events, farm land, Wildlife

The Endangered Species Act (ESA) has been protecting mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians since it was signed into law in 1973.  But for more than 40 years it has also frustrated landowners with its restrictions, especially when the benefits hardly seem to outweigh the regulations.  Finding that balance has been a struggle. A recent success has given many hope for … Read More

American Soybean Applauds EU Biotech Vote

Kelly MarshallAg Group, ASA, biotechnology, EU

The European Parliament voted 619-58 to reject a proposal that would allow member states to opt-out of importing and using biotech food for non-scientific reasons.  The American Soybean Association was pleased with the results of this decision.  Their president, Wade Cowan issued a statement on the vote. “This is a much-needed action today by the European Parliament. ASA has repeatedly … Read More

Free Transition Planning for Your Farm Webinar

Kelly MarshallAg Group, Farm Management

Ag Transition Partners, and American Agri-Women (AAW) are hosting a no-cost farm transition webinar to help producers plan for the future.  Three webinars are planned and on-site or virtual coaching and action templates will be provided as well. The first webinar is already available for download on the AAW website.  The second webinar will be held November 17 at noon CST.  This webinar … Read More

Verdesian Life Sciences Receives 4R Nutrient Award

Kelly MarshallAgribusiness, Award, Fertilizer, sustainability

The 4R Nutrient Stewardship Program has named Verdesian Life Sciences a partner in recognition of their efforts towards making agriculture a more sustainable and efficient industry.  The four Rs of the program apply to the right source, right rate, right time and right place for fertilizer application.  These standards align with Verdesian’s commitment to grow row crops by maximizing inputs … Read More

West Central Enhances Yield Guarantee

Kelly MarshallAgribusiness, Fertilizer, Soil, yields

West Central Distribution is stepping up their enhanced performance guarantee with the launch of their advanced chelating agent Levesol™, starter fertilizer Redline®, and IDC-combatting formula Soygreen®.  Designed for growers pursing new techniques, these products come with a guarantee of an increase in yield per acre. The Performance Guarantee has also been expanded to include more products, expansion of crops and product … Read More

Cambridge Consultants Develops Breakthrough Robot

Kelly MarshallAgribusiness, Fruit, Robot, Vegetables

The product design and development firm, Cambridge Consultants, has created a breakthrough in the food chain.  The team there has created a robot designed to handle complex tasks like sorting fruits and vegetables or removing specific weeds from a field. “Traditional robots struggle when it comes to adapting to deal with uncertainty,” said Chris Roberts, head of industrial robotics at … Read More

aWhere to Provide Data to SageInsight’s MyAgCentral

Kelly MarshallAgribusiness, Cloud, Data, Software

“Farmers don’t need more data, they need smart data delivered to them in an understandable format[…]” says John Corbett, CEO of aWhere.  And smart data is exactly what aWhere and DN2K are working together to accomplish.  aWhere’s weather data and agronomic modeling services will now be avaliable to SageInsight‘s MyAgCentral customers. As a key contributor of meaningful agricultural big data, … Read More

USB Appoints 17 New Farmer-Leaders

Kelly MarshallAg Group, Soybeans, USB

Tom Vilsack has appointed 17 farmers from across the country to serve as directors on the United Soybean Board (USB).  The appointees will be sworn in at the upcoming annual meeting in St. Louis. Five of the directors are newly added, 12 are returning members.  The USDA has also announced that the USB will be increasing their farmer-leaders from 70 to … Read More

10th Anniversary for AgGateway

Kelly MarshallAgGateway, Agribusiness, Retailers, technology

The Annual Conference for AgGateway will be the kickoff to celebrate the program’s 10th anniversary.  The conference, scheduled for November 9-12 in San Antonio, Texas, will feature the growth of agricultural eBusiness and will include the adoption of “eAgriculture” as a term to signify the growth of electronic connectivity in the world of ag.  A logo has also been designed to … Read More