New Case IH Precision Air Cart

Kurt LawtonCompany Announcement, Equipment, Fertilizer, Planting, seed, wheat

It’s nice to see more ISOBUS compliant electronics on equipment, such as with the new Case IH Precision Air 3580 air cart. All systems can be controlled and monitored from the cab thanks to ISO 11783 compliant electronics–such as the Case IH AFS Pro 600 or AFS 300 display.

Engineered for large acreage small grain growers who need to cover thousands of acres in a short planting window, the Precision Air 3580 has a three-compartment tank with a total capacity of 580 U.S. bushels.

The three tank compartments hold 135 bushels, 183 bushels and 262 bushels respectively, providing growers with more seeding and fertilizer options and higher capacities in one pass. Tanks are made of steel, with tough, powder coat paint inside and out for a harder finish, better rust protection and longer wear.

“Our broadacre customers are asking us for larger drills and carts with more capacity, so they can run longer between stops,” says Gord Engel, Case IH seeding product manager. “The less time farmers spend re-filling seed and fertilizer tanks, the more acreage they cover during the prime planting window, and the more they reduce seeding costs.

“Whether you’re growing wheat, barley, rye, oats, canola or pulse crops, the further north you go, the smaller the planting window gets,” Engel adds. “Planting at the right time helps maximize yields. With the Precision Air 3580, growers cover more acres per hour, per day, per week and per season.”

To learn more, visit this link.

Ag Leader Sponsors Farm Journal Corn College

Kurt LawtonAg Leader, Education, Events, Insights Weekly

Insights WeeklyWow, 19 years of test plots is a major undertaking, especially when started and conducted by a magazine. I’m sure you’re familiar with the Farm Journal Test Plots, started by Field Agronomist Ken Ferrie and Editor Charlene Finck. Initially, the plots were basically learning tools about how to grow crops better—shared with farmers. Today, Farm Journal launches into its third year of Corn College classroom and in-field events along with the test plots. And the knowledge goal remains unchanged.

This July, Ag Leader is sponsoring Farm Journal’s Corn College events near Bloomington, IL. Led by Ken Ferrie, Associate Field Agronomist, Missy Bauer and the Corn College crew, the events are packed with take-home crop production knowledge integrating both classroom and in-field instruction. The Corn College location is surrounded by 17 acres of demonstration plots which allow attendees to head out to the field with Ferrie, Bauer and other agronomic coaches.

As a sponsor of Corn College events, Ag Leader experts will present a Tech Session on crop sensors. Growers can learn details about how sensors work, how to collect crop scanning data, how to implement crop sensors into a nitrogen program and how this information can lead to successful management decisions.

“We’re participating in this event to not only educate growers on precision farming and the latest technology, but also to learn from the sessions and by visiting with growers,” says Jessica Reis, Marketing Communications Specialist for Ag Leader Technology.

The company will also be located in the vendor tent to answer questions about the latest technology trends and how growers can put together a year-round precision farming system—designed to achieve optimum input efficiency and maximum productivity.

If you cannot attend, Reis says to check out their Precision Point blog (link below) as they will be posting knowledge gained from the meetings.

Corn College is being held July 19-23. If you register for Corn College by Friday, June 18 (TODAY), you get the early-bird rate of $199. Otherwise you pay $249. Sessions are filling up fast. For more information and to register, visit or

For more information, visit

Precision Point blog

Farm Journal Corn College

Corn College Registration

Wireless Crop Sensing Technology Keeps Improving

Kurt LawtonGeneral

This sensor tracks fruit size as it grows.

As a agriculture tech geek, I’m continually fascinated by sensor technology–especially crop monitoring…wirelessly. Yes, some of it is high buck stuff right now. But the future potential for all crops exists.

To this end, check out this new Waspmote sensor board from Libelium. Currently targeted for high-end crops like wine grapes and greenhouse crops, it can monitor info from 10 sensors and 14 environmental parameters at one time.

This new Sensor Board for the Waspmote platform extends the award-winning Waspmote platform by supporting the measurement of the following key parameters:

  • air temperature
  • air humidity
  • soil temperature
  • soil moisture
  • leaf wetness
  • atmospheric pressure
  • solar radiation
  • trunk/stem/fruit diameter
  • wind speed/direction
  • rainfall

The board allows more than ten sensors to be connected at one time. Libelium’s CTO, David Gascón says “A Waspmote sensor network using the new board can measure irrigation effectiveness, crop growth and micro-climatic conditions as well as detect adverse weather events”.

Local variations in soil, drainage and evaporation can mean that irrigation is not uniformly effective. For example it is possible that, within a vineyard, some vine roots are too dry while others are waterlogged. If three soil moisture sensors are simultaneously placed at different depths the local water retention in the soil can be assessed. By measuring evapotranspiration it is possible to work out how much irrigation water is being actually absorbed by the plants. Using sensor data to automatically adjust irrigation to match local conditions conserves water and is equally applicable to vineyards, greenhouses and golf courses. Avoiding over-watering also helps prevent certain crop diseases including rot, fungi and bacteria which thrive in wet conditions.

Precision agriculture aims to optimise production by taking account of local soil and climatic variations. David Gascón says, “This new board enables vineyards to be controlled with a finer granularity than existing precision agriculture techniques”.

He explains, “Accurate dendrometers, capable of measuring changes in diameter of a few micrometres, allow the measurement of water intake of individual vines from irrigation. Using a PAR (photosynthetically active radiation) sensor checks the conditions for photosynthesis”.

The Agricultural Sensor Board is also highly applicable to greenhouses where the creation and control of microclimates is important to the growth of delicate crops such as exotic fruit. For mushroom farming, Waspmote’s Agricultural Sensor and Gas Sensor boards can be used together to measure and control soil moisture and temperature, CO2 level and air temperature.

The board also supports meteorological sensors such as air thermometer, hygrometer, anemometer, wind vane and rain gauges (pluviometer). If the temperature falls below a threshold, heating can be automatically started by the wireless sensor network. Meteorological sensors can trigger warnings in the event of adverse weather such as high wind or torrential rain.

Waspmote does not need to monitor values continuously and can spend long periods in a power saving mode. However if wind exceeds a threshold the anemometer will send a signal to wake up the Waspmote board. In hibernate mode the board consumes just 0.7 microamperes current resulting in outstanding battery performance. Should continuous measurement be required, a socket enables the board to be powered by a solar panel also available from Libelium.

And, you can get this info on your cell phone.

Wireless Connectivity Now Featured on ParaDyme

Kurt LawtonCompany Announcement, GPS, Guidance, Satellite

WiFi in your tractor cab? The AutoFarm ParaDyme GPS system is the first to offer remote loading of software. And it can remotely connect to your dealer for help.

“AutoFarm is the only GPS steering provider currently offering this capability,” says John Bressler, Sr. Marketing Manager, AutoFarm. “The ParaDyme looks like a WiFi ‘hotspot’ to the user’s PC and once connected the software is quickly and easily uploaded.”

The WiFi connectivity to upload software, now enabled on version 1.2 of the ParaDyme Software allows users to remotely load software without the customary auxiliary cables or USB devices.

The ParaDyme System is the industry’s first single system solution to all facets of precision farming: planter control, application control, yield monitoring, data logging and management, plus hands-free GPS steering via WAAS, EGNOS, OmniSTAR HP/XP, and RTK. It is also GLONASS ready. With its unique factory-integrated wireless, ParaDyme offers a Remote Real-Time Service connection to the dealer in addition to optional RTK ReadyConnect that provides RTK correction without a base station. The newly enabled WiFi function is another expansion of an already feature-packed solution to virtually everything precision ag.

For more information on the AutoFarm ParaDyme system and WiFi capability, Remote Service, etc., visit

Two Precision Legacy Award Winners

Cindy ZimmermanGeneral

Harold Reetz and Jess Lowenberg-Deboer have been named co-recipients of the Legacy Award in the PrecisionAg Awards of Excellence program for 2010.

Harold Reetz has been a champion of technology and precision agriculture throughout his four decade-long career. Starting out in Extension in the Purdue University system in the 1970s, he assumed numerous leadership roles over the years and worked tirelessly as a champion for improving agronomic practices through education, research, outreach, and collaboration with like-minded growers and researchers from around the world. Reetz founded the InfoAg Conference in the mid-1990s as a way of getting people together to share experiences and build a networked community of vendors, users, and service providers. Now with Reetz Agronomics, Harold continues to champion the role of precision technologies in maximizing yield and minimizing environmental impact from crop production.

Jess Lowenberg-DeBoer is currently Associate Dean, Director of International Programs, and Professor of Agricultural Economics in the College of Agriculture at Purdue University, but his prior work in precision agriculture economics played an invaluable role in the growth of precision agriculture practices. His contributions included original research into the profitability of every aspect of precision agriculture, including tracking the adoption of technology at the farm and service provider level. He has published 55 articles in refereed journals, two books, and chapters in six other books, and his work has taken him to over 40 countries.

Both will be honored in Denver next month at the 10th International Conference on Precision Agriculture.

Planter Row Shutoff Adds Many Values

Kurt LawtonGeneral

Insights WeeklyCorn genetics costs are driving more farmers to seek savings during planting season. And precision farming tools, such as planter row shutoff, are delivering fairly quick payback in many cases, depending on farm size and field shapes.

I spoke with central Iowa grower Steve Snyder this week to find out about his first planting season using row shutoff. “When my son Jon and I checked into the possible payback of the Ag Leader setup (Integra monitor, SureVac Electric Row Shutoff), the calculator said one year for our operation. But like Jon said ‘so what if it takes two,’ that’s still a no-brainer.”

While just two weeks removed from parking the planter for the season, he hasn’t had time to calculate actual seed savings for 2010. “I know we saved seed overall, especially on irregular-shaped fields. Before we had individual row shutoff, we used to plant 8 rows (half a planter) when we only needed two rows to finish the field. The other big savings I’m sure we’ll see is extra yield, because when you double plant, you basically end up with zero yield in those areas,” he says.

Snyder has two tractors with auto steer, and just planted his third season with a 16-row John Deere 1770NT CCS. “The main issue we were having with the planter was keeping population consistent due to ground slippage when running at higher vacuum settings. We solved that by adding Precision Planting eSet vacuum disks and Rawson hydraulic drives,” he says.

One added benefit that Steve hadn’t realized until using row shutoff was in time savings. “For 28 or so years we’ve always come to the end of the field, stop, lift, turn, stop and set it down, then go. Now, we don’t stop at all, and can lift the planter at any time and set it down early and never worry about double planting. That allows us to plant more acres in a day, and I’m much less tired thanks to auto steering.”

Snyder likes the simplicity of the SureVac set up and operation. It simply replaces the existing vacuum covers on each row. Electronics cut off the vacuum at the top of the seed disk to stop planting while seeds fall back into the meter’s seed pool. When the shutoff device pulls away, vacuum is restored and planting continues.

“With auto steer and row shutoffs, I can get by with a 16-row planter because I can cover ground really well. It’s really made planting faster and more enjoyable again,” Snyder adds.

For more information, visit

SureVac Shutoff

How To Invest in Latest GPS Signal Technology

Kurt LawtonGeneral

With the rapidly changing GPS/GNSS satellite technology, it’s smart to do your homework and understand the facts to find what best suits your farm (see the links below). Auburn University’s Daniel Mullenix, a research biosystems engineer, offered his advice recently on

When considering purchasing GPS/GNSS technology for your ag operation, it’s best to do your homework. As with most technology, Precision Ag technology is rapidly evolving and changing to better suit the needs of producers and allow them to become more efficient and better stewards of the environment.

The “buzz” words and hot topics of a few years ago may now have been replaced with “later and greater” gadgets. This is the case with GPS/GNSS technology. Recently, new signals have been established such as L2C and L5, which increase reliability of navigation and guidance operations. Likewise, manufacturers of guidance and navigational devices are now producing units capable of utilizing other countries satellite systems in conjunction with GPS. For example, several manufacturers make guidance receivers that are GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) capable; meaning they can utilize US GPS satellites as well as others (e.g. Russia’s GLONASS satellite system, etc).

This technology holds great advantages in that a GNSS receiver can utilize almost twice the number of satellites a GPS-only receiver is able to use. Additionally, cellular modems can now be used to obtain base station data via CORS (Continuously Operating Reference Stations) or RTN (Real-Time Networks); increasing a producer’s distance from a base station from line-of-sight to over 25 miles when using RTK.

More satellite availability, new GPS signals, and cellular technology potentially means:

  • less time for an RTK fix
  • not having to wait for satellites to come into view
  • not losing an RTK fix when against a tree line or other obstructions
  • not having down time during hours of the day when GPS satellite geometry is poor
  • increased distances from a base station
  • no need for a personal base station
  • greater mobility and efficiency

When investing in GPS/GNSS technology, consider:

  • Is this system best for my operation, considering what’s on the market (GPS vs. GNSS, personal base station vs. CORS of RTN)?
  • Will this system utilize other countries satellite systems so I get maximum satellite coverage?
  • Can this system employ new GPS satellite signals (L2C and L5) so I get maximum reliability?
  • Will this system allow me to be as mobile as I need to be (line-of-sight vs. 25-mile distance from a base station with a cellular modem)?
  • Can I receive firmware updates for this system so I stay abreast of evolving technology?

For more information, visit
and see: Update on GPS: New Civilian Accessible Signals – L1C, L2C, and L5, Update on GPS: Explanation of GNSS, and RTK Networks: Cellular Modem Communication Technology.

ARS Using Field Topography To Improve Fertilizer Use

Kurt LawtonAerial Imagery, Conservation, Education, Fertilizer, Remote sensing, Research, Variable rate

ARS researchers have developed a way to make more precise agricultural maps of fields from data generated by LIDAR (light detection and ranging) sensors to help farmers target more of their resources to the highest-yielding parts of their fields. Graphic courtesy of James M. McKinion, ARS.

Using an airplane with LIDAR (light detection and ranging) sensors is helping USDA-ARS researchers build better management zone maps that can accurately predict yields based on topography.

With the maps fed into computerized, variable-rate fertilizer applicators, precision farmers can divert more of their costly fertilizer to the highest-yielding zones and the least to the lowest-yielding zones. They can also use the zone maps to make other decisions, such as planting more drought-tolerant varieties in low-yield zones, or sowing less seed.

Five years of comparisons between these maps and actual “on-the-go” yield monitoring for cotton and corn on a farm in Mississippi showed that accurate yield predictions can be made based on topography.

Researchers contracted to have a plane with LIDAR (light detection and ranging) sensors fly over the 1,000 rolling acres of the farm. LIDAR is a form of radar that can map elevations digitally, showing slopes and sun exposures, by bouncing laser light off the landscape.

By blending yield results with the maps, the scientists divided fields into high-, medium-, and low-yield zones.

One advantage of LIDAR landscape mapping is that it only has to be done once.

LIDAR topographic mapping is spreading from state to state. Louisiana, for example, has financed LIDAR mapping of the entire state.

Otherwise, it is expensive for an individual farmer to pay for LIDAR mapping. So, McKinion is also looking for alternative topographic mapping techniques.

James McKinion, an electronics engineer at the ARS Genetics and Precision Agriculture Research Unit at Mississippi State, Miss., did the study with entomologist Jeff Willers and geneticist Johnie Jenkins at the ARS unit in Mississippi. This research was published in Computers and Electronics in Agriculture.

ARS is the principal intramural scientific research agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). This research supports the USDA priority of promoting international food security.

Steps For Precision Agriculture Success

Kurt LawtonEducation, sustainability

If your looking to add more precision farming technology to your operation, do your homework to build the best adoption plan that fits your system. The International Plant Nutrition Institute recently published a bulletin outlining basic steps for success:

1. Determine your individual need. Do you want greater input efficiency? Better record keeping? Need more farm knowledge?

2. Identify tools to meet that need. Compare the brands and features, and talk to current owners, retailers and independent experts.

3. What is required to implement the new tool and how can it ensure success. Is it useful across various crops? Can it handle numerous operation and move between vehicles? How much technical knowledge does the operator need? How soon will this investment pay off?

4. Be patient. New technology takes time and adjustment to fully integrate it into an operation. Don’t expect a quick fix in most cases.

To learn more, read the bulletin.

Precision Farming Investment Tool for Cotton Growers

Kurt LawtonCotton, Equipment, Financing, University

Cotton growers looking at precision farming investments should check out the Cotton Precision Agriculture Investment Decision Aid (CPAIDA), created by University of Tennessee Production Economics Analysis Group.

The Cotton Precision Agriculture Investment Decision Aid (CPAIDA) is a stand alone, computerized decision tool for analyzing investments in precision agriculture technologies. It was developed to meet the need for better educational information about the returns required to pay for investments in precision agriculture technologies used by cotton farmers.

Currently available “payback” modules include map- and sensor-based variable rate application of sprayer-applied chemicals, sensor-based liquid nitrogen application, and sensor-based weed control. Additional modules for calculating the cost of gathering spatial information via electrical conductivity, yield monitor, and remote sensing are also provided. A distinctive sensitivity analysis feature allows users to evaluate a variety of “what if” scenarios for these technologies based on their particular farm characteristics.

The decision aid guides users through a systematic analysis of the precision farming investment decision via a set of clickable tabs and expandable menu options. The equipment information tab allows the user to select equipment components and enter purchase price.

Default equipment complements are set for each module, and users can click on cells to change equipment manufacturers or modify prices. The farm data tab lets users personalize the decision aid based on their unique farm situation, information gathering costs, and payback parameters which can include input cost savings, lint yield gain, and reduced equipment operating and ownership costs. The profitability summary tab displays results in the form of enterprise budgets that compare cost and return estimates with and without precision farming.

A final column indicates how individual cost items vary based on the precision farming investment decision and summarizes the expected profitability from adoption of the selected equipment complement.

Finally, a sensitivity analysis tab displays the results graphically. The main figure summarizes the profitability of the proposed equipment complement and provides an estimate of the payback period in years. Here, users can change key cost and return parameters, such as farm size or input savings, and evaluate how changes in these values influence the profitability of the investment decision.

The CPAIDA decision aid is also available at Copies of CPAIDA on a CD ROM may also be obtained by writing James Larson, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 2621 Morgan Circle, 302 Morgan Hall, Knoxville, TN 37996. This decision aid was funded by Cotton Incorporated.