New Holland Sponsors Great American Wheat Harvest

Jamie JohansenAgribusiness, Harvesting, New Holland, wheat

Next week I’ll finally get to see The Great American Wheat Harvest! AgWired has been a sponsor of this fantastic project since the beginning and now we get to see the fruit of that investment during National Ag Day Activities next week in Washington, DC. Conrad Weaver, ConjoStudios, the film producer is happy to announce another silver sponsor for the … Read More

Wheat Growers Named Most Valuable Dealership

Jamie JohansenAg Group, wheat

Lessiter Publications and Precision Farming Dealer has named Wheat Growers its 2014 Most Valuable Dealership. “This award wasn’t earned in one year,” Brent Wiesenburger, Precision Ag Manager with Wheat Growers, says. “It was earned over the last ten years, thanks to the vision of our cooperative and the talent and dedication of our employee team.” In an article for Precision … Read More

Vilsack to Address Commodity Classic

John DavisAgribusiness, Corn, Government, NCGA, Soybeans, wheat

The growers of the Nation’s biggest crops will once again host the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture for their biggest meeting of the year. For the fifth time in a row, Tom Vilsack will deliver the keynote address to Commodity Classic, the annual convention and trade show for corn, soybean, wheat and sorghum growers. This news releases says Vilsack speaks to … Read More

BASF Zidua® Herbicide Gets Registration for Wheat

Jamie JohansenAgribusiness, agronomy, Herbicides, wheat

Wheat growers have new class of chemistry to fight Italian ryegrass. BASF just announced that Zidua® herbicide has received federal registration from the Environmental Protection Agency for spring and winter wheat. Zidua herbicide provides wheat growers with a powerful tool to fight tough to control weeds like Italian ryegrass, annual bluegrass and canarygrass. In addition, Zidua herbicide suppresses many broadleaf … Read More

MANA Introduces Custodia Premix Fungicide

Jamie JohansenAgribusiness, agronomy, Corn, Fungicides, Soybeans, wheat

MANA is introducing Custodia premix fungicide for use on corn, soybeans and wheat. Custodia combines the two most complementary systemic fungicide active ingredients available today in an optimized ratio to deliver both preventive and curative disease control. The simultaneous movement of the active ingredients within the plant quickly knocks down diseases and provides a residual barrier that inhibits diseases from … Read More

USDA Talks Numbers at NAFB Trade Talk

Leah GuffeyAudio, Corn, Harvesting, NAFB, Soybeans, USDA, wheat, yields

USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) representatives were on hand at NAFB Trade Talk last month to discuss the 2013 crop and the 2012 census. The 2013 harvest is considered completed at this point and Lance Honig with NASS says with a record corn crop and near record soybean crop forecast it’s turned out to be a pretty good year, … Read More

Great American Wheat Harvest Thanksgiving

Cindy ZimmermanAudio, Harvesting, NAFB, Video, wheat

The Great American Wheat Harvest will debut in 2014, according to the director of the documentary who was at the National Association of Farm Broadcasting annual meeting talking about the project. Conrad Weaver tells us the documentary will be seen first in March 2014. “We are premiering the film nationally on National Ag Day in Washington DC on March 25,” … Read More

Soybean Executive Named NAWG CEO

Talia GoesAgribusiness, General, wheat

Longtime soybean industry executive Jim Palmer has been named chief executive officer of the National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG). Palmer was selected by the NAWG Board of Directors after a search process led by the NAWG officers and grower-leaders of the National Wheat Foundation, NAWG’s affiliated charitable organization. He will officially begin work with the Association and Foundation as … Read More

USDA Prospective Plantings Commentary

Melissa SandfortAgribusiness, Corn, Cotton, Soybeans, USDA, wheat

A little more corn, a little less soybeans, more wheat and a lot less cotton – that summarizes the USDA 2013 Prospective Plantings report out today. Corn growers intend to plant 97.3 million acres of corn for all purposes in 2013, up slightly from last year and 6 percent higher than in 2011. If realized, this will represent the highest … Read More

Commodity Group Presidents Talk Sustainability

Cindy ZimmermanAudio, Commodity Classic, Corn, Soybeans, sustainability, wheat

A highlight of the general session of Commodity Classic is moderator Mark Mayfield’s “visit with the Presidents.” Left to right are Mayfield, Terry Swanson, National Sorghum Producers; Erik Younggren, National Association of Wheat Growers; Pam Johnson, National Corn Growers Association and Danny Murphy, American Soybean Association. Mayfield kicked off the session by asking each of the presidents what “sustainability” means … Read More