As noted in a previous blog post, Ag Leader Technology beginnings took shape in the basement of Al Myers in 1986. Since then, the company has grown to provide a complete line of precision farming technologies, from planting to harvest and from field to office. We last left of in 1995 when Ag Leader had sold over 1,500 yield monitors. … Read More
Valley GPS Product Line Expanded
Valley Irrigation, the Leader in Precision Irrigation, has expanded their Valley GPS product line. Valley GPS Guidance for corners and linear irrigation equipment is now compatible with both John Deere® Starfire™ and Trimble® GPS products. The compatibility with Trimble GPS base stations will make conversions from buried wire to Valley GPS Guidance easier, as it doesn’t require the same labor … Read More
You said how much?
Let’s just say there are 8 pounds of water in 1 gallon. (It’s 8.34 but round numbers are easier.) Let’s say this #3 butter churn is 3 gallons. That’s 24 pounds of butter, assuming butter and water weigh the same. Let’s say this #4 butter churn is 4 gallons. That’s 128 sticks of butter. (1 pound of butter = 4 … Read More
USDA and Esri Implement Geospatial Portal
The USDA and Esri have partnered in the implementation of a fully cloud-based geospatial portal. USDA’s prototype portal, Enterprise Spatial Mapping Service (ESMS), is built with Portal for ArcGIS, managed by Esri, and hosted on the Amazon cloud within USDA’s secure environment. The teams designed the prototype’s geospatial interfaces with a focus on search and discovery, managed service hosting, and … Read More
Your Pre-Harvest Checklist
Seems like just yesterday we discussed the benefits of pre-season planting preparation, and now we find ourselves staring a pre-harvest checklist straight in the eye. But keep in mind that servicing your precision ag equipment prior to harvest is equally as important as in the spring. Ag Leader Technology is helping to give growers a few tips on where to … Read More
Ice Cube Anyone?
When is the last time you ever heard someone say, “Can you grab me a soda from the icebox?”? I bet it’s been a while. Let me translate: icebox or ice chest = freezer/refrigerator. And when I came across this large tong-shaped item my curiosity kicked in. It’s an ice hook. In the early 1900s, folks would use this tool … Read More
The Value of Data
Why do you use precision ag technologies on your farm? Not surprisingly, your answer might be different than your neighbor’s or the grower two towns away. But no matter why you use it, know that precision ag equipment not only helps you gather information, but software can then help you organize, visualize, analyze and archive that data. But why is … Read More
Pioneer Adds FIT Studio
Pioneer Hi-Bred unveils FIT® Studio, an extension of Pioneer FIT Services. This new comprehensive mapping software provides Pioneer sales professionals another tool to help growers get the right product on the right acre. FIT Studio, an addition to current Pioneer services – FIT Field Planner, FIT As-Planted Maps and FIT Mapping at Harvest – offers powerful new, map-based functionality, including … Read More
CrescoAg – Turning Data Into Knowledge
CrescoAg LLC, an independent information management company, introduced its suite of crop decision and risk management tools that will help growers and their trusted advisers better analyze data and make decisions to maximize profitability. Today’s growers have access to an overwhelming amount of valuable data generated from precision agriculture technologies. However, turning that data into knowledge that can increase productivity … Read More
Keep Your Nose to the Grindstone
Meaning: Apply yourself conscientiously to your work; or to continue to work very hard, without stopping. Origin: There are two rival explanations as to the origin of this phrase. One is that it comes from the supposed habit of millers who checked that the stones used for grinding cereal weren’t overheating by putting their nose to the stone in order … Read More