Ag’s Most Energetic Event Returns to Calgary

AgWired Precision, Events

The FARM FORUM EVENT, hosted by AGRI-TREND®, returns to the Calgary TELUS Convention Centre December 5-7, 2017 with the theme LEARN & GROW.

The FARM FORUM EVENT brings over 1,000 attendees together to see the latest innovations, learn from top experts from the world’s leading agricultural companies, and share information among the largest growers from Canada and the United States.

Attendees of the FARM FORUM EVENT manage more than 6 million acres each year. In interviews, sponsors cite the high quality of the attendees and the unique format of the FARM FORUM EVENT as primary reasons why they choose to participate in the show. You can view portions of the interviews on the AGRI-TREND channel here.

Click here to learn more about the FARM FORUM.

Precision Ag Bites 11/8

AgWired Precision, Precision Ag Bytes

  • Ag Leader will release firmware in February 2018 offering access to in-cab, internet-based functionality through a single data connection source. InCommand displays will be able to connect to NTRIP networks for RTK corrections and Ag Leader’s cloud-based data management platform, AgFiniti, through the same connection source using one cellular data plan.
  • AgLaunch365 has accepted three new ag tech startups into Phase I of its farm-centric innovation platform. This 6-week program will be delivered through remote programming and in-person sessions held in Memphis, culminating at the Farm Journal AgTech Expo in Indianapolis December 11-13, 2017. Phase I teams include:  Minnesota-based DryMAX, Illinois-based EarthSense, and Indiana-based Rabbit Tractors. The deadline to apply for Phase II is November 15, 2017.

ImpactZ™ Herbicide from AMVAC® Approved for Corn

AgWired Precision, Corn, Crop Protection, Herbicide

AMVAC Chemical Corporation has received federal registration from EPA for a new broad spectrum, low use rate corn herbicide – ImpactZ.

ImpactZ provides corn growers with a new solution for control of tough broadleaf and grass weeds, including glyphosate resistant species.

“Impact herbicide has long provided value to corn growers as an excellent tool for weed resistance management,” said Jim Lappin, AMVAC crop marketing manager, corn and soybeans. “ImpactZ herbicide provides safe, effective broad spectrum control in corn.”
ImpactZ herbicide provides excellent control of tough grass weeds, including barnyardgrass, crabgrass and foxtails. It also controls a broad spectrum of broadleaf weeds, including waterhemp, palmer amaranth, lambsquarters and velvetleaf.

ImpactZ herbicide is registered for use in field corn, seed corn, popcorn and sweetcorn, with no restrictions on soil type, tank mix partners or insecticides. ImpactZ herbicide contains both Impact® and Atrazine for highly effective control of grass and broadleaf weeds in corn.

Individual state registrations for ImpactZ herbicide are pending.

Click here to learn more.

SMART Farmer Jeremy Brown

AgWired Precision, Biotech, Cotton, GMO, Podcasts, SMART Farmer, USFRA

In this edition, we hear from a Texas farmer who grows both organic and traditional cotton and peanuts, as well as other crops.

Jeremy Brown is one of the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) faces of farming, which has given him the opportunity to engage with the non-farm public on the highly emotional topic of biotechnology and GMO crops from the perspective of someone who grows both.

Learn more about Jeremy in this podcast – SMART Farmer Podcast with Jeremy Brown, Texas farmer

USFRA is also supporting a new film that takes on the biotechnology debate. Food Evolution, which is now streaming on Hulu, was commissioned by the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), and directed by Academy Award®-nominated director Scott Hamilton Kennedy.

Subscribe to the SMART Farmer podcast

Learn more about USFRA and SMART Farm

Precision Ag Bytes 11/1

AgWired Precision, Precision Ag Bytes

  • National Plant Genome Initiative, shepherded by the National Corn Growers Association, is celebrating 20 years of genetic research.  The historic research effort to map the corn genome has resulted in significant economic and environmental dividends for farmers and society at large.
  • Mycogen’s Turn the Bag Blue & Gold program is working with select retailers and local FFA chapters to offer students a learning, as well as fundraising, opportunity.  Chapter members will receive professional selling training to sell special blue and gold bags of select Mycogen brand corn hybrids to local farmers.

Ibach Sworn in, Northey Still on Hold for USDA

AgWired AgNewsWire, AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, Audio, USDA

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue traveled to Omaha yesterday to swear-in new Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs Greg Ibach in his home state.

“Greg Ibach will bring experience and integrity to his new role at USDA, and carries with him the knowledge he’s gained in the dozen years he has served as Nebraska’s Director of Agriculture,” said Secretary Perdue.

During the swearing-in ceremony, Perdue expressed his disappointment that Bill Northey was not also being sworn in at the same time, after his nomination was put on hold last week by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) in an apparent attempt to retaliate against the administration for bowing to pressure from ethanol states like Iowa on changes to the RFS. “It’s a sad note when one senator put a hold on a nominee not based on anything that has to do with that nominee,” said Perdue.

Audio file – Secretary Perdue swear-in opening comments

John Deere Features Combine Technology at Sunbelt Ag Expo

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Audio, John Deere, Sunbelt Ag Expo

This year’s Sunbelt Ag Expo was an opportunity for John Deere to show off some new combines to growers in the Southeastern United States. Technical Marketing Manager for Combines and Cotton Equipment Matt Badding said the new S700 series combine offers three new features: the Gen4 Command Center, the Combine Advisor package, and Active Yield for sensor calibration.

“Right now, what we notice is for a lot of customers it’s difficult to get a good calibration of their yield sensor, of their mass flow sensor, as we call it. And what we’ve got is three sensors, three pads that are in the grain tank, and they’re continuously calibrating the sensors so the customer no longer has to worry about that,” said Badding.

Badding also featured the 635F HydraFlex Cutting Platform, which provides flexibility for farmers harvesting both rice and soybeans.

Listen to Chuck’s interview with Matt Badding: Interview with Matt Badding, John Deere

2017 Sunbelt Ag Expo Photo Album

Stories from Sunbelt Ag Expo sponsored by Stories from Sunbelt Ag Expo sponsored by John Deere

2017-18 National FFA Officer Team Elected

AgWired Animal, AgWired Energy, AgWired Precision, Audio, FFA, Video

2017-18 FFA National Officers: President Breanna Holbert, Wastern VP Gracie Furnish, Secretary Erica Baier, Western VP Bryce Cluff, Central VP Piper Merritt, and Southern VP Ian Bennett

Students from Arizona, California, Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky and Oklahoma were elected to serve on the 2017-18 National FFA Officer team.

Breanna Holbert, an agricultural education major at California State University of Chico, made history as the first female African American elected as National FFA president. Her fellow officers include:

National Secretary – Erica Baier, agricultural education major at Iowa State University
Central Region VP – Piper Merritt, agricultural economics major at Oklahoma State University
Western Region VP – Bryce Cluff, agricultural technology and management major at the University of Arizona
Southern Region VP – Ian Bennett, majoring in plant breeding and genetics at the University of Georgia
Eastern Region VP – Gracie Furnish, career and technical education major at the University of Kentucky

Listen to an interview with Breanna from FFA: Interview with Breanna Holbert, FFA National President

Click for interviews, bios and hi-res photos of all the new officers.

Watch video of the officers being announced:

USFRA Supporting Food Evolution Movie

AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, Audio, Biotech, Food, GMO, USFRA

The U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) is supporting a new film that offers an independent investigation into biotechnology that concludes GMOs may well be a force for good to feed the world.

Food Evolution, which is now streaming on Hulu, was commissioned by the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), and directed by Academy Award®-nominated director Scott Hamilton Kennedy.

“The GMO story is a metaphor for how important it is to use science to make decisions,” said Kennedy during a conference call with reporters Thursday. He says the audience reaction to the film during screenings has been very gratifying. “From the critics standpoint, we’re 100 percent on Rotten Tomatoes (reviews from) the top critics.” Kennedy adds that screenings around the world have helped change minds about the perception of GMO crops.

“We are interested in promoting the film in any way we can,” said USFRA CEO Randy Krotz. That includes college campus screenings, digital media, and educational materials.

Also on the call was USFRA board member and Illinois farmer Roberta Simpson-Dolbeare, who talked about the value of genetically modified crops to farmers and getting accurate information out to the non-farm public. “I think it’s up to us farmers to better educate them on GMO plants and why from a sustainable standpoint going forward in order to feed the world, we really have to depend on GMO crops,” she said.

Audio file: USFRA and Food Evolution film comments

House Ag Chair Says Farm Bill on Track

AgWired AgNewsWire, AgWired Animal, AgWired Energy, AgWired Precision, Audio, Farm Bill, Government

House Agriculture Committee Chair Mike Conaway (R-TX) says they are moving forward with work on the 2018 Farm Bill.

“Still on track for late for fourth quarter (this year) or early first quarter of next year,” said Conaway during a conference call with reporters Wednesday. “We’re going to be ready on the committee…when floor time opens up.”

Rep. Conaway was asked about trade, crop insurance, CRP, budget, nutrition programs, and more. Listen in here: Cong. Conaway call 10-25-17