Farmers Using Social Media Form AgChat Foundation

Kurt LawtonEducation, Farmers, sustainability

Precision communications to consumers is every bit as important as your precision farming. Check out how these farmers are joining together to help other farmers like you communicate your story. Twitter. Facebook. YouTube. LinkedIn. More frequently, these are services being accessed from the turnrow, tractor’s seat and barn. Farmers are tapping into social media services more frequently, especially since the … Read More

Calibrate For Variable-rate Precision Farming Success

Kurt LawtonGeneral

Last week I talked about the importance of planter calibration when using variable-rate technology. This week, I spoke with Nick Ohrtman, Ag Leader’s Tech Support Supervisor about fertilizer spreader calibration. How important is calibration of precision farming equipment when using it on a fertilizer spreader? Ohrtman: As I mentioned last week, Ag Leader products have a calibration wizard that … Read More

Test Your Corn Planting Populations

Kurt LawtonCorn, Planting, Research, seed, University

If you’re looking to experiment with corn planting populations yet this spring, check out a very good paper on plant population compiled by South Dakota State University researchers Gregg Carlson, Paul Gaspar and David Clay. Many agronomists and producers conduct experiments that test the impact of rates of fertilizer, population, or pesticide on yield. To analyze this data we need … Read More

Precision Farming By The Zone

Kurt LawtonConservation, Corn, Farmers, Fertilizer, John Deere, Planting, seed, sustainability

The Furrow magazine, produced by John Deere, profiled several growers on their use of precision farming management zones in a story called “Farming In The Zone” in their March 2010 issue. Broadwater, Neb., grower Frank Lussetto says zone management helped him accomplish three broad goals of being agronomically sound, economically smart and environmentally safe. He uses zone maps for phosphorous, … Read More

Precision Podcast Takes to the Air with the Autocopter

John DavisAerial Imagery, Ag Leader, Audio, Precision Pays Podcast

The latest in precision agriculture might not be at the ground level, turning the soil.  It might come just a few feet above the top of the crops in the form of the Autocopter. In this edition of the Podcast, sponsored by Ag Leader Technology, we talk to Autocopter president Donald Effren, who describes how this little helicopter with … Read More

Calibrate For Variable-Rate Precision Farming Success

Kurt LawtonAg Leader, Corn, Displays, Education, Equipment, Insights Weekly, Planting, seed, Soybeans

While every farmer knows the value of preparing and calibrating the planter and sprayer, the same holds true when calibrating the electronics and software that control these implements—especially if you vary rates across the field on the go. Hopefully you pulled out that owner’s manual, or enlisted your local dealer’s help, several weeks ahead of pulling into the first field … Read More

Precision Profits By The Field

Kurt LawtonEducation, Financing

Gregg Carlson, South Dakota State University agronomist and precision farming math whiz, has written extensively about numerous precision topics. “A Field is a Profit Center,” is an amazing spreadsheet look at the agronomic-economic building blocks that make fields profitable. Very few farmers conduct profitability analysis of their fields. As producers expand beyond their operator owned acreage, it becomes increasingly necessary … Read More

Young Farmer Forum Talks Precision Agriculture

Kurt LawtonEquipment, Farmers, Fertilizer, GPS, Guidance, Harvesting, Planting, Satellite, Software, Standards, sustainability, one of the longest running ag websites powered by Successful Farming, has a social network for young and beginning farmers called Farmers For The Future. One of the recent topics centered around precision farming talks about a move into RTK and the CORS network. The challenge is dealing with all ages and different colors of equipment. Sam asks…We have … Read More

AgChat Is Way To Agvocate

Chuck ZimmermanInternet

I don’t know how many of our readers are aware of AgChat or have participated but perhaps it’s time you check it out. AgChat is a weekly Twitter conversation from 8-10pm eastern. All you have to do is follow the Twitter hashtag, #AgChat, and feel free to join in. AgChat is nearing its one year anniversary and it has … Read More

Use Precision Software Data For Planting Trials and More

Kurt LawtonAg Leader, Corn, Farmers, Fertilizer, GPS, Guidance, Harvesting, Insights Weekly, Planting, seed, Software, Tillage

Give farmers a piece of technology and they find inventive ways to use it to benefit their operation. In the case of Newton, Iowa farmer (and Ag Leader SeedComand product specialist) Will Cannon, it all started with the yield monitor and mapping hybrids. “I like knowing exactly to a row when hybrids and varieties start and stop—especially when you have … Read More