About half of the nation’s cotton growers are practicing precision agriculture. PrecisionAg.com reports that the use of precision technology among cotton growers grew from just 18 percent in 2001 to 48 percent in 2005. There are a number of reasons for this increase. First, changes in farming practices requires more precision and repeatability, such as the use of subsurface irrigation … Read More
Auto Steering Cruises to the Top of the Tech List
Auto steering technology is being hailed as one the most useful farm technology to date. A commentary on PrecisionAg.com reports that it is the most rapidly adopted technology in the history of agriculture. In the commentary, Paul Schrimpf, the group editor of the CropLife Media Group, highlights what’s being called the hands-free revolution: Given all the benefits and the current … Read More
Precision Beginners and Experts Mark Your Calenders…
…for the 9th International Conference on Precision Agriculture. The Conference will be held July 20th – 23rd, 2008 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in the Denver Tech Center, Denver, CO. Five specialized conference “tracks,” which include more than 300 unique educational sessions will be offered for participants. The “A to Z” track is designed specifically for experts like crop consultants, … Read More
A Progression to Precision
The Certified Crop Adviser that Successful Farming’s Crop Tech Tour tracked down at Lyle Mabus’s farm was also offering his expertise to farmer Jim Erdahl of Blue Earth, MN. In this video Jim Erdahl talks about how farmers’ ability to collect data has changed with technology over the years. You can find more videos of both Bryan and Jim at … Read More
CCA Helps Farmer Get Online with Precision
Successful Farming’s Crop Tech Tour tracks down a certified crop adviser in the field. Lyle Mabus wanted to learn more about how precision agriculture could be introduced on his farm. Bryan Arndorfer of Precision Management Services was there to offer Lyle the instruction he was looking for and helps Lyle maximize precision technology for farming applications like variable rate nitrogen. … Read More
Reducing Input Costs Through Precision in Mississippi
Culger isn’t the only place you’ll find precision ag in Mississippi. Successful Farming’s Crop Tech Tour interviewed Hank Kelly about how he uses precision technology at his 8,000 acre farm in Holmes County, MS. Hank says though input costs might change with the use of precision farming techniques like remote imagery variable rate line, overall precision ag equipment and software … Read More
Precision Technology Mean Less Equipment
Successful Farming’s Crop Tech Tour promised to bring video straight from the field and the project has delivered. There are currently 27 videos posted online at Agriculture Online. In a video from just outside Cruger, Mississippi, Mark Harris talks about managing a farm that has integrated precision technology. He says with precision ag software, his farm needs less heavy machinery.
Tracking New Media Coverage of New Farming Technology
Remember the post Chuck did about Successful Farming’s project to take a look at how farmers are using new technology in the field? Well, Successful Farming’s Crop Tech Tour has already made a number of stops at farms around the country and precision ag is a popular subject. Agriculture Online Editor John Walter explains what the Crop Tech Tour is … Read More
Farmers who use precision agriculture seem to possess a command over cutting edge technology. What other modern technology do farmers and growers take advantage of? Precision Ag conducted a poll to find out if farmers are hip with texting and wireless internet… Q. Do you text message for personal or professional communication? A. A lot of you do, which to … Read More
More Control with Swath Control Pro
Swath Control Pro is getting more popular with growers every season. Kirk Swihart says that’s because the technology reduces overlap and helps farmers improve their input costs. Kirk is the Technical Assistant Supervisor with John Deere. He reminds growers that all 4000 series sprayers are compatible with the Swath Control Pro. He says growers do need John Deere’s StarFire application … Read More