Farm Works Expands Software Offerings

Kurt LawtonCompany Announcement, Software, Spraying, Trimble, Variable rate

Farm Works Information Management, a division of Trimble, just announced three new products to expand its capabilities for growers and agribusinesses.

Farm Works Mobile streamlines data management in the field by bundling record keeping, scouting, soil sampling, and variable rate application into one low cost solution. Field records include application dates, hybrid locations, field and weather conditions, scale tickets, and notes. In addition, users can take advantage of GPS to record soil sampling positions (by grid or zone) and easily navigate to any spot using a 3D display. Farm Works Mobile connects to existing controllers to perform variable rate application using single or multiple products. The software will also connect to most sensors for recording “as-applied” data which can be downloaded in the Farm Works office suite or other third party desktop software.

The Farm Works Mobile software will operate on any field computer with Windows Mobile, XP, Vista, or 7. When using field computers with built in digital cameras for scouting, such as the Trimble® Juno™ or Nomad™ handhelds, images of weeds or pests can be captured while geo referencing their location in one step.

Farm Works Mobile retails for $500.

Farm Works View, an addition to the Farm Works office suite, is a free software program designed to read and write data from popular farming devices. Display and print yield maps, coverage maps, guidance paths, and more. View can easily be upgraded to other Farm Works software solutions for additional functionality in mapping, field records, accounting, herd management, analysis, and water management.

Farm Works 2011 is the latest version of Farm Works office suite. Some of the highlights include:

  • Automatic display of roads and streets for any location in the world
  • Automated seed variety layer that includes the ability to track split planting information
  • Full support of formula-based variable rate prescription maps

Contact Farm Works at 1-800-225-2848 for more information.