ASA president Ron Moore, with Linda Kull and Jim Martin from Illinois Soybean Assn. at Bayer grand opening
Soybean growers are pleased with Bayer’s increased investment in the research and development of new soybean varieties.
“It’s outstanding that Bayer has put up a billion dollars to expand their soybean breeding all across the United States,” said American Soybean Association president and Illinois farmer Ron Moore. “Looks like Bayer is recognizing that soybeans are an important crop for their business.”
Moore, who farms in Roseville, Illinois, attended the grand opening of Bayer’s expanded breeding and trait development station in Champaign last week along with representatives from the Illinois Soybean Association research program director Linda Krull, and local district director Jim Martin of Pontiac, Illinois.
In this interview, Moore also talks about the importance of research funding for agriculture in the next farm bill, and activities this National Ag Week on Capitol Hill. [wpaudio url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/zimmcomm/bayer-il-asa-moore.mp3″ text=”Interview with ASA president Ron Moore”]