Bayer representatives were “soy excited” to talk with farmers at the Farm Progress Show last week about Credenz® soybeans.
Bayer soybean agronomy lead Monty Malone says Credenz was launched in the Midwest in 2015 and expanded this year into the rest of the country. “We have a reputation in the Midwest of being a very innovative development company in crop protection,” said Malone. “A lot of people don’t realize we have the same reputation in seed.”
Malone says Credenz is built on “smart genetics” designed to fit grower production preferences, field conditions, and disease and pest issues with tailored varieties. “We have 57 varieties we sold in 2015, we expanded to 66 this year,” he said, with more to be added in 2017.
With a record crop of soybeans expected this year, Malone says they like to think Credenz soybeans are helping increase grower yields. “We’ve got a lot of high yield varieties,” said Malone. “Yields have been steady on the increase and we have a lot of successful reports from growers all over the Midwest.”
Learn more about Credenz here: [wpaudio url=”″ text=”Interview with Monty Malone, Bayer”]