‘Tis the season for giving, so why not give yourself the chance to win by playing the Bayer CropScience LibertyLink Real Yield Game – and donate to your local FFA chapter at the same time? It’s a win-win no matter how you look at it!
“We’ve been really excited about the response we’ve gotten with the Real Yield game,” said Bayer CropScience Soybean Marketing Manager Malin Westfall during an interview at the ASTA CSS 2015 and Seed Expo last week in Chicago. “We’re getting valuable information and feedback from farmers, they’re being able to raise some money for their state FFA organizations, and they’re earning an opportunity to win some fabulous prizes as well.”
Every time growers play the game they have a chance to instantly win a John Deere combine, five winners get a year’s supply of LibertyLink soybeans with Liberty herbicide, and the grand prize is a year’s lease on a John Deere tractor. But you can’t win if you don’t play. “Growers can go to RealYieldGame.com through the end of the year and play up to three times so it increases their chance of winning every time they play,” said Westfall. “And each time they do it their local FFA will get a donation.”
Westfall says the winners of the game will be announced at the 2016 Commodity Classic in New Orleans and the donations to FFA will also be presented at that time.
Learn more about the LibertyLink system, the Real Yield Radio campaign and the Real Yield game in this interview: [wpaudio url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/zimmcomm/astacss-15-bayer-malin.mp3″ text=”Interview with Malin Westfall, Bayer CropScience”]