Bayer CropScience has EPA Approval for ILeVO®

Leah GuffeyASTA, Audio, Bayer CropScience, Soybeans

asta-css-bayer-ilevoBayer CropScience announced that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved its application for the registration of ILeVO®, the only seed treatment that protects the root system against infections caused by the Sudden Death Syndrome fungus and has activity against dangerous nematodes in the seed zone.

Business to business strategy manager of seed growth, John Carlson says, “This is a big deal not only for Bayer but for soybean growers across the midwest. We are about ready to give them an option that they have been looking for for about forty years.”

Soybean growers across the country are constantly looking for ways to protect their crops from the fungus that causes Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) and nematodes, specifically the Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) – two of the top five soybean yield robbing pests. In 2014 environmental conditions were such that growers experienced higher than normal pressure from SDS. Until now, there was no seed treatment available to protect soybean plants against both SDS and nematodes.

You can hear my interview with John Carlson here: [wpaudio url=”″ text=”Interview with John Carlson, Bayer Crop Science”]

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