Real Precision Soil Mapping in a Vineyard

Kurt LawtonEducation, Remote sensing, sustainability, Video

Fascinating video of how one Sonoma County, California vineyard, Jordan Winery, is finding the best grape characteristics in various field locations, digging soil pits and analyzing soil attributes and characteristics in order to bring that location’s success to the whole field. Talk about precision agriculture!

Take a look.

And here’s a blog post about the soil mapping study.

4 Comments on “Real Precision Soil Mapping in a Vineyard”

  1. Hi Kurt,

    Thanks for sharing our aerial video. We’re actually posting a more detailed follow up video about the soil mapping study today. Stay tuned.



  2. Hi Kurt,
    Thanks for sharing our aerial video. We’re actually posting a more detailed follow up video about the soil mapping study today. Stay tuned.

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