Mobile Weather from John Deere

Chuck ZimmermanAgribusiness, Audio, John Deere, weather

Mobile weather sounds like it would be a high priority for farmers today. John Deere unveiled their version of it at the FarmSight Tech Summit. I visited with Janae Tapper, Product Manager in the John Deere Intelligent Solutions Group about the product. For private and commercial applicators who need precise weather information in order to make proper product application and … Read More

The Pillars of John Deere FarmSight

Chuck ZimmermanAgribusiness, Audio, John Deere

When it comes to FarmSight, Jerry Roell has the insight. He’s John Deere’s Director, FarmSight, Intelligent Solutions Group. Jerry says they began developing FarmSight about two years ago looking at three areas. The first of these is machine optimization and trying to figure out how to make machines more efficient, more productive and to monitor machine help. The second area … Read More

Precision Ag in the Cloud

Chuck ZimmermanAgribusiness, Internet

You are hearing a lot about working in the cloud these days. Why not the agribusiness industry, especially in the precision arena? Onsite, fueled by AgIntegrated, has an answer to the question. Onsite provides the connections you need to handle 21st century farming. As a consumer of an increasing amount of agricultural information and technologies, you experience the headaches involved … Read More