A popular agricultural accounting program is getting a face lift.
AgriSolutions®, the developer of AgManager® accounting software, is announcing an exciting new release which includes many feature updates and a new, easy-to-use interface. These improvements further enhance the ability of agricultural producers to manage the demands of their modern farm businesses. The agricultural accounting experts at AgriSolutions Inc., of Brighton, Ill., will release the upgrade on the company’s website, www.agrisolutions.com, on November 17.
AgManager®, an “old friend” to many farmers and ag accountants, is getting a new face and enhanced functionality, according to AgriSolutions Assistant Director of Operations Carolyn Roberts. The early leader in producers’ implementation of managerial accounting, this customized software comes packaged with individualized set up, technical support, live and online training, updates, and benchmarking. Expert management consultation is available to provide additional financial insight.
“For U.S. farmers and their accountants, modern times demand modern tools. All types of ag producers today face tighter margins than in the past. Marketing techniques, from hedging to contract sales, add complexity to tracking costs and projecting potential income,” said Roberts. “It’s an ever-changing environment that calls for top-notch accounting software, and ongoing support to back it up.”
New AgManager® features boost user-friendliness as farm accountants input transactions, monitor financial position and create reports, Roberts said. The software has a new menu structure that improves user navigation and adds “tool tips” which make it easier for new users to understand the menu options. There also are updated icons, a new calendar for easy date selection, and a new calculator that quickly updates amount fields and includes an electronic “tape.” All of these features are designed to make data entry and navigation much easier for the user.