FMC Corporation was once again a major sponsor at the National Association of Farm Broadcasting convention this year. The annual event held in KC brings in farm broadcasters from around the country and one of the major parts of it is a trade show with over 100 industry partners who are interviewed by the reparters about what’s new in agriculture. FMC is a sponsor of NAFB’s signature Trade Talk.
FMC brought Tom Quade to NAFB to talk about Temitry and Chuck Zimmerman sat down to get the details about the product, as well as the agreement with BASF that made it possible.
FMC has long been a leader in in-furrow crop protection, but this new agreement is ground breaking.
“Now we are combining our patented insecticide technology with new and innovative fungicides. We are the first company to put both insecticide and fungicide in the same product to give growers the ultimate in protection of that seed investment they spend very good money on to get their season started right,” Quade said.
Temitry LFR contains the active ingredients in FMC’s insecticide, Capture, along side the active ingredients in the foliar fungicide, Headline, from BASF. Research has shown great results with this combination, some tests even reaching as high as a seven bushel yield increase.
Temitry will be available for 2017 growing season. Learn more about it at and listen to Chuck’s full interview with Quade here: [wpaudio url=”″ text=”Interview with Tom Quade, FMC”]
View and download photos from the event here: NAFB Convention Photo Album