Precision technology can do a lot of things, but so far it can’t make rain. So, Roger Godwin of Pelham, Georgia has not been able to do much with his new John Deere a premium-level precision ag system since his area has received no rain since March 3 of this year!
As one of this year’s “Reach for the Stars” winners, Roger received the use of aGreenStar™ AutoTrac™ Assisted Steering System with an AutoTrac Universal Steering Kit, a StarFire™ iTC receiver, and a John Deere SF2 signal activation; a GreenStar™ 2 System, which includes a GreenStar Display 2600 and preloaded GreenStar Basics software; and GreenStar Apex Farm Management Software for this year.
Roger is no stranger to precision technology, and in fact, has been using it for the past five years. He grows cotton, peanuts, corn, soybeans, wheat and more on his farm in southwest Georgia.
Here is a short report I did with him for Southeast Agnet radio network last week: SE Agnet Report (1 min mp3)
We’ll be hearing more from Roger in future posts, so stay tuned!