- Share the story of how conservation is part of your farm operation and you could be recognized with a Conservation Legacy Award. More information on past winners of the award and how to submit your application is available in the “About” section under “Awards” on the American Soybean Association website. All applications must be submitted by Friday, Sept. 13, 2019.
- Bayer has awarded BioSTL a $1.5 million grant to support its new headquarters. BioSTL is located in St. Louis’ Cortex Innovation Community. Funds from the grant will help the organization develop new office and lab space as well as expand its comprehensive range of business development programs
- Inari, the next-generation seed company, announced the closing of its $89 million Series C financing, bringing the company’s total funding to date to $144 million. Funds will be used to accelerate the commercial introduction of the company’s high-performance corn and soybean seeds in the U.S. market.
- Gevo, Inc. announces a partnership with Locus Agricultural Solutions® (Locus AG) to trial a new technology, developed by Locus AG, that is expected to improve capture of soil carbon, reduce applied nitrogen fertilizer needs and improve yield. Locus AG’s Rhizolizer® is a line of fresh, non-GMO soil “probiotic” treatments which are produced from proven microorganisms and tailored to meet the needs of local farmers.
- The Soil Health Partnership (SHP) has been fostering transformation in agriculture through improved soil health since 2014. This year, SHP celebrates its fifth anniversary and the foundational collaborations that developed the program.
- BRANDT has acquired a retail agronomy company in Farmersville, IL. Farmers Exchange Fertilizer, Inc. will become part of the BRANDT organization, strengthening the company’s commitment to Central Illinois.
- With grain and forage yields up to 40 percent greater than its conventional cousin, hybrid rye provides growers with abundant marketing, feeding and soil-health opportunities says Walker Sik, Agronomist and Seed Production Specialist with Millborn Seeds.
- Producers now have an easy-to-use tool to help create custom cover crop mixes, thanks to the Millborn Seeds My SeedMix Web App.
- Pioneer announced expanded availability of Pioneer® brand Enlist E3
soybeans for 2020. Varieties will be available across the U.S. in a range of maturities.
- The National Corn Growers Association submitted comments to the U.S. Department of Agriculture on the Proposed Rule regarding Movement of Certain Genetically Engineered Organisms. The submission voiced support for the proposed rule while also offering several suggestions that would strengthen the final rule. The proposed rule marks the first comprehensive revision of USDA’s regulations since they were established in 1987.
- The Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) put forward a consumer-friendly proposal that would improve public access to information about new agricultural biotechnology products. Combined with a new science-based regulatory approach, BIO’s proposal will foster greater public confidence and support bringing new sustainable agricultural solutions to the market.