- AgGateway has published five new case studies that demonstrate specific company examples of how implementation of AgGateway resources has led to direct return on investment for agribusinesses. These brief, 2-page flyers can be found on AgGateway’s website, along with six other studies that were published last year.
- The Conservation Technology Information Center launched online registrations for its 12th annual Conservation in Action Tour, which will explore conservation systems in central Iowa. Online registration for the tour is available at https://www.ctic.org/cia_tour/registration.
- NRCS is expanding the technical input in program development and technical services in program delivery. NRCS posted an interim final rule in the Federal Register to make the existing regulations consistent with the changes made by the 2018 Farm Bill.
- Meister Media Worldwide and its Global Precision Initiative announce the expansion of the long-standing website PrecisionAg.com – among the first media sites in the world devoted exclusively to agricultural technology – as a global digital source of expert commentary, longer-range trends and insights, and headlines from key precision regions.
- Farmers have from May 6 through July 31, 2019, to enter the National Corn Growers Association’s National Corn Yield Contest. This year marks the 55th year for the contest that began with 20 entries from four states. Last year 7,258 entries from 46 states made NCYC the premier event of its kind in the nation. You can find both entry and harvest rules on the Corn Yield Contest website.
- Conservis announces the deployment of Zone Economics, which delivers actionable insights to farmers.