Bayer representatives at the 2018 ASTA CSS & Seed Expo wanted growers to take notice of NemaStrike technology as they make decisions for the 2019 growing season.
“We believe it’s going to provide a fantastic opportunity for growers to protect themselves against a pest that they were maybe underestimating – nematodes,” said Brent Craig, Seed Applied Solutions Marketing for NemaStrike with Bayer.
Craig said nematodes that come into contact with a seed or root that has been treated with NemaStrike will die before getting a chance to do much damage. In addition, NemaStrike technology provides 75 days of broad spectrum control, covering multiple generations of the pest that may exist within the same field.
“NemaStrike is the most efficacious product we’ve seen for nematodes,” said Kelli Brown, N.A. Seed Applied Solutions Product Manager for NemaStrike. “When you look at various competitive products across the board, we’re going to reduce populations of nematodes significantly further and for longer periods of time than any other product.”
Brown said nematodes are microscopic roundworms, and they are the most ubiquitous species on the planet. She said nematode pressure will be higher in some years than in others, which is why a broader seed treatment portfolio including fungicides, insecticides, nematicides and biologicals is important to consider. NemaStrike technology is available in Bayer-treated corn, soybean and cotton seed for the 2019 growing season.
Interview with Brent Craig, Seed Applied Solutions Marketing, NemaStrike –
Interview with Brent Craig, Bayer
Interview with Kelli Brown, N.A. Seed Applied Solutions Product Manager, NemaStrike –
Interview with Kelli Brown, Bayer