Bayer Crop Science understands the need for chemistry that covers a broad range of environmental conditions. They also know the best way to do that is with a product that has two modes of action focused on advanced formulas with unique movement the entire growing season.
We spoke with Bayer’s Dr. Randy Myers during the 2017 Farm Progress Show who provided us with key grower benefits of their new product, Delaro.
“We’ve brought this new fungicide to the marketplace because we are trying to meet grower needs currently unmet. There are a number of fungicide choices out there and virtually all of them have similarities. We have to figure out what growers are needing, what the shortage is. Disease activity is increasing as we reduce tillage and have infections from one year to the next,” Myers said.
For both corn and soybeans, Delaro provides unbeatable broad-spectrum disease control, best-in-class dual mode of action residual and improved plant health.
Listen to my complete interview with Randy as he shares scouting tips and where you can go to learn more about fungicides that will help growers improve their bottom line.
Interview with Randy Myers, Bayer
View Bayer photos here: Bayer CropScience at #FPS17 Photo Album
View all photos from FPS here: 2017 Farm Progress Show Photo Album