The Campbells are shown here (left to right) with Kerry Grossweiller, Bayer campaign manager; Allen Gent, Bayer strategic business lead; Rachel Walters, Bayer Southern region marketing manager; Jason Wistehuff, Bayer U.S. Product Manager for FiberMax and Stoneville; Tracy Campbell, winning grower, Floydada, Texas; Wesley Campbell, winning grower, Floydada, Texas; Stan Warren, Bayer sales representative; and Monty Christian, Bayer vice-president for U.S. cotton operations. (PRNewsfoto/Bayer)
Bayer is pround to announce that the FiberMax One Ton Club now boasts a total of 1,049 growers. In 2016, 391 cotton growers from across the nation were honored for their four-bale and higher yields. All qualifying members have surpassed their state average by 2 and a half times, but Johnny Lindley from Lakeview, Texas leads the club with 3,059 pounds per acre. Craig McCloy of Morse, Texas holds the honors for highest acreage winner. He averaged more than 2,000 lb/A on 2,046 acres.
“This club is solid evidence of the success growers enjoy when they combine their knowledge and skills with our science – cottonseed varieties and inputs focused on increasing a grower’s opportunity for profit,” says Jason Wistehuff, U.S. product manager for FiberMax cotton. “The consistent yields of FiberMax are demonstrated with the growers who come back year after year.”
Of the 391 members who qualified for the 2016 crop, six growers qualified in 10 years or more and nine percent qualified in five years or more. Consistent performance across the FiberMax brand is definitively proven by the range of varieties with which growers qualified for the One Ton Club over the last 12 years.
“Growers have qualified for the FiberMax One Ton Club with 38 different varieties,” Wistehuff says. “Each time we add varieties to the FiberMax lineup, we add growers who made high yields in fields planted to those varieties.”