Frost & Sullivan Provide Analysis of Smart Ag

Kelly Marshalltechnology

With the concept of smart agriculture on the rise, Frost & Sullivan have released information concerning this hot topic.  The report covers advancements in agriculture such as: sensors, intelligent networks, UAVs and robotics. Frost & Sullivan believe that these smart farm resources will allow consumers better access to the type of food they’re seeking, be it ethically produce items, allergen-free options or sustainably grown products.

“Remarkable innovations in allied industries such as ICT, chemicals, hydroponics and aquaculture have resulted in a slew of innovative, smart agriculture technologies,” said Frost & Sullivan Agriculture & Nutrition Global Director Christopher Shanahan. “Some of the high-potential technologies under development include farming apps that provide data for on-field activities, roof-top farming technology in land-scarce regions, and monitoring systems that record information and place it in a cloud for further access.”