Register now for the 9th annual Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC) Conservation in Action Tour. This year’s event is taking place in Treasure Valley of Idaho August 23-24, 2016. Attendees will have the chance to see the latest approaches to soil, water and air quality conservation. Home to more than 180 crops, southwest Idaho is a rich agricultural region with plenty to share for conservation-oriented people from across the country. The tour will kick off with a event at the JUMP community space.
- Dixon Farms, where David Dixon will provide insight into the water management strategy on his diversified crop operation, which includes drip irrigation system in mint—a system that is tightly tied to water quantity and water quality issues.
- M&M Feedlot, likely the only cattle feedlot in the nation with a 1.5-acre landscaped park for visitors in the middle of the pens…testament to the Mann family’s masterful control of odor and flies through an integrated system that includes pen management, manure management and composting. We’ll also learn about the operation’s engineered wetland, which boosts the quality of water before it is discharged to the Snake River.
- Bayer Crop Science/Nuhnems Seed’s facility in the heart of one of a handful of key sources of vegetable seed—the Treasure Valley.
- Arena Valley Farm, which includes company and university trials on a production field. There, leading farm managers, extension researchers and nutrient management specialists will explain conservation and soil building strategies in potato rotations.
Brad McIntrye, McIntyre Farms, where Brad McIntyre and his family are building the thin soils on their sloping operation through cover cropping, no-till (a practice Brad taught himself in the absence of local farmers with any experience) and the reintroduction of livestock to the operation.
Other activities include a talk with CEO/President of J.R. Simplot Bill Whitacre on sustainability trends he’s seeing through his diversified company, which is engaged at every step of agriculture, from mining nutrients to advising farmers, producing crops and livestock and food processing. Attendees will also have the opportunity to have dinner at an Idaho winery, attend a conservation technology expo, and network.
Click here for more information and to register.