Illinois Ag Highlights Progress Towards Nutrient Efficiency

Kelly MarshallAg Group, Nitrogen, Nutrient Management, Research

Illinois NRECThe Illinois Nutrient Research & Education Council (NREC) has been working with public and private research organizations to help understand which management practices make the most effective use of nutrients and decrease environmental impacts.

Now the group has released their Annual Report for 2015.  The report highlights the research projects that took place and shares the projects that successfully maximize nutrient efficiency while minimizing negative side effects.  Projects fall into five main topics that align with the mission of the NREC.

Projects focus on: 1) Efficiency of nitrogen utilization as affected by rate, timing and source of N use, 2) Recovery, capture or treatment of N remaining in field after harvest, 3) Treatment of water after it leaves the field, 4) Education and outreach on nutrient management and NREC funded projects and 5) Fertility studies not directly related to water quality impacts.

In 2015 the total investment for the projects was $2.4 million.  You can read the report here.