As part of the National Ag Day festivities in Washington DC Tuesday, Farm Credit announced the top honorees of the Farm Credit 100 Fresh Perspectives program, a nationwide search to identify and honor 100 leaders who are changing rural communities and agriculture for the better.

LtoR: Jennifer Sirangelo, National 4H Council; with Farm Credit honorees Chris Fesko, Trevor Hoff, and Allison Boyd
The Farm Credit 100 Fresh Perspectives program is the cornerstone of Farm Credit’s 100th anniversary of supporting rural communities and agriculture. The search took place between July and December 2015, and netted more than 1,000 nominations from all 50 states. Selected by a panel of experts on rural matters, including Farm Credit leaders and others from around the agriculture industry, the top 100 honorees represent the very best of those positively shaping what is next for rural communities and agriculture.
“It was truly inspiring to learn more about individuals and organizations dedicated to making a meaningful difference every day,” said Jennifer Sirangelo, President and CEO, National 4-H Council, Farm Credit 100 Fresh Perspectives selection panelist, and moderator of the Farm Credit 100 Fresh Perspectives honoree panel. “After reviewing the nominations of so many exceptional leaders, I am proud to say the future of rural communities and agriculture is remarkably bright.”
See the complete list of Farm Credit 100 Fresh Perspectives honorees