A Microbial Catalyst seed treatment for corn has been launched by Agnition. The new Commerce for Corn stimulates microbial activity, creating a healthier soil and superior growth environment. Applying Commerce for Corn over the top of base seed treatments gives growers superior germination and plant growth.
“A healthy start is immensely important for corn crops. With Commence® for Corn, producers see consistently faster emergence, stand count and healthier, more robust corn plants that stay ahead all year long,” said Agnition senior research manager Evan Johnson. “As the corn plants mature we also consistently measure greater root mass and thicker stalks which provide benefits such as improved stand, greater nutrient flow and resistance to pests and weather damage.”
Typical base corn seed treatments are defensive and provide passive protection that is effective only when insect or disease pressure is present. The active ingredients in Commence® for Corn are released in the soil after planting where they stimulate naturally occurring microorganisms to improve stand count, root structure and overall plant health.
Commence® for Corn utilizes Microbial Catalyst® technology that stimulates all beneficial soil microbes for a superior growth environment and is not an inoculant which provides limited strains of bacteria.
“Our corn seed treatment is active. When the seed is planted active ingredients are released into the the area around the root where the plant gets all its nutrients. This generates a much larger root structure. A typical base corn seed treatment sits on the seed and waits for something to attack; Commence® for Corn is an offensive seed treatment that positively affects the seed environment,” Johnson said.
Commerce for Corn is safe to apply to any seed corn. The propriety blend of premium plant extracts also enhance product efficacy.