Making Big Data Work for Retailers

Kelly MarshallAgribusiness, ARA, Data, Retailers

ara-15-brightGreg Bright, Chief Data Officer and Principle Architect at Leap Media Solutions recently gave a presentation at the Agriculture Retailers Association Conference.  Entitled, “Using Data to Find New Business,” Bright’s message transferred the information being used by many businesses to obtain new customers to the precision data agriculture retailers have access to today.

His main take away?  Using data is a journey– it never really finishes.  In fact, Bright even suggests that someone can start small, surprisingly small in fact.

“You don’t have to invest in a lot.  There is a lot of discussion around data that you have to be a big data company and you have to be in big data to do this.  No you don’t.  Big Data is very, very specialized.  Most operations, most organizations don’t need those big data type technologies.  There are hundreds of thousands if not millions to get into.  You can start this path with customer acquisition with just Excel.”

To hear more about using big data to find new business listen to Chuck’s interview.  [wpaudio url=”″ text=”Greg Bright, Leap Media Solutions”]

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