GROWMARK Stresses Overlap Weed Management

Cindy ZimmermanAudio, Growmark, Weed control

In the midst of bin-busting yields last year, farmers in many areas of the Midwest saw waterhemp raise its ugly head in soybean fields late in the season, despite the best pre-emergence efforts.

growmark-powell“Waterhemp is one of those weeds we’ve finding throughout all of our territory,” said GROWMARK Weed Science Technical Manager Dr. David Powell, who wrote an article about this recently. “It’s one of the hardest weeds to control and that really has to do with the lack of options we have to manage it with post-emergence herbicides.”

Because waterhemp can germinate all season long, Powell says it’s important to use multiple modes of action and overlapping post-emergence residuals. “Really using a lot of pre-herbicides at high rates and then coming back earlier in the season before you even see a weed emerge to get overlapping residual,” said Powell. “A weed that doesn’t come up is easier than a weed that you try to control when it gets any height to it.”

Powell adds that now is the time for farmers to be thinking about that overlapping residual. Learn more in this interview. [wpaudio url=”″ text=”Interview with David Powell, GROWMARK”]