Agren Announces SoilCalculator App Update

Chuck ZimmermanAudio, Nutrient Management, Soil

AgrenFarmers looking to maximize soil conservation and economic return need only look to Agren. The company has just announced a new version of its SoilCalculator application to estimate erosion and its associated economic cost.

I spoke with Agren CEO Tom Buman about his company and this new application. He says, “SoilCalculator is the first software of its kind to estimate soil erosion and allow growers to see the economic impact of changes in management. Growers can easily evaluate alternatives side by side to maximize profits, conserve soil, preserve yields, and reduce nutrient inputs. That’s real value!”

SoilCalculator’s updated web interface provides quicker results than in the past. And, report outputs quantify the economics of lost production due to erosion under different management alternatives. The enhanced reporting also helps growers and their advisors better understand the impact of management on the health of their soil and address specific problem sites. Efforts can then be targeted to apply conservation practices in the right place, at the right time, and at the right scale to achieve both environmental and economic benefits.

Originally released in 2013, Agren® SoilCalculator allows service providers to input various crop rotations, tillage systems, and conservation practices and view the resulting erosion predictions for up to three scenarios. Color-coded maps, similar to a GIS yield map, pinpoint areas of high erosion.

Listen to my interview with Tom to learn more: [wpaudio url=”″ text=”Interview with Tom Buman, Agren”]