Vital Force Technology Study on Infusion

John DavisAgribusiness, agronomy

vitalforcetech2A new study from Vital Force Technology shows that infusion can significantly increase both seed germination and plant development. The company says that while old seeds tend to lose vitality and have declining germination rates, this process can be reversed using the Vital Force Technology infusion process, potentially benefiting various agricultural markets with healthier plants that have stronger root systems, stronger stems and more resilient germination over time.

Conducted the Pinelandiea Biophysics Lab by Dr. W.C Levengood, tests were done to determine the benefits of infusion technology offered to the growing agricultural industry by Vital Force Technology. Specifically focused on the improvement of plant vitality and the germination of older wheat seeds whose vigor has been reduced due to age, water infused with specific VFT energy pattern was used to determine possible improvements to the seed and ultimately the plants in the study. The nine day study concluded that seed vitality of seven year old wheat seeds can increase by as much as 83% while development of the seeds can increase by as much as 77%. These numbers offer positive potential for plant health and longevity which can benefit a variety of growers within the agricultural markets.

Vital Force Technology officials go on to say that additional studies conducted in the same lab using pinto bean seedlings and energy infused watering showed strong increases in plant height and seed development, growing 75 percent of seedlings to 30cm in just 7 days.