Old, New Tech Policies Spur Ag Innovations

John DavisFood, International

futurefoodA report from the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) says a mix of old and new technologies policies are spurring agricultural innovations. This news release from the group says its FutureFood 2050 publishing initiative explores the expanding array of agricultural innovations that will help feed the world’s projected 9 billion-plus people in 2050, making researchers and policy makers look far beyond the traditional bounds of agriculture to accelerate food production by using technology to improve—rather than replace—natural processes.

“We have a massive opportunity,” says Charlie Price, a UK-based proponent of small-scale ecosystems using aquaponics—the marriage of hydroponics and aquaculture. “We are potentially taking a natural system [fish and plants sharing a habitat] that’s evolved over millions of years and we are just copying it, rather than exploiting it. While it can be seen as complex, it is incredibly simple.”

FutureFood 2050’s multi-year program highlights the people and stories leading the efforts in finding solutions to a healthier, safer and better nourished planet to feed 9 billion-plus people by 2050. This is the second part in the series. Part 1 explored sustainability, women in food science, food waste, food security and nutrition in Africa, aquaculture, futurists on food, and innovative agriculture.