It wasn’t long ago the focus was on getting the crops planted, fertilized, and sprayed. Hopefully the hard work is paying off and yields are looking good for the fall. With cost of inputs remaining high and a dip in most crop prices, it is very crucial to know what practices were successful and which did not have a good return on investment. Most growers that have diverse operations are curious on where the best yields are so they can know which seed, chemicals, and fertilizers worked best for their operation. By having the Ag Leader yield monitoring systems calibrated and ready for fall, growers will be able to know which practices made the most money.
For some, fall might seem too far away to think about but it will be here sooner than you know. We all know how busy fall can be while trying to get into the fields, so Ag Leader recommends taking a few simple steps before the busy season arrives to prepare for harvest.
Nick Hageman, Ag Leader Hardware Technical Support Representative, briefly explains how to proceed with taking care of the first six steps on the pre-harvest prep check list.
Hageman explains what needs to be done by way of calibrations.
[wpaudio url=”″ text=”Listen to Hageman explain”]All told, these 10 steps should be able to be completed in three to four hours. Once completed, your combine should be prepared for harvest. Remember, after beginning harvest, weight and moisture calibration still needs to be done. These are two very important calibrations. Once all the calibrations are complete, the system will be very accurate.
We hope that your hard work and time will be rewarding this harvest season! Remember, if you have any questions you can contact Ag Leader Technical Support at 515-232-5363.
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