RoboFlight Provides Latest in Data Collection

Jamie JohansenAerial Imagery, Agribusiness, agronomy, Aviation, technology, UAV

roboflight_500RoboFlight is a global company that deals in data acquisition including UAV platforms as well as full scale aircraft and satellite systems. Beyond the agricultural industry, RoboFlight also works in security, search and rescue, utilities, mining and insurance.

Chuck interviewed Phil Ellerbroek, Global Director of Sales for RoboFlight, and he shared more about the company. RoboFlight acquired Aerial Precision Ag, giving them an upper hand when it comes to agriculture. Aerial Precision Ag was the first company to bring affordable, price-point conscientious UAV’s to the average farmer.

“Agriculture is definitely where we are focusing. Response not only within the industry but for our company as a whole has been phenomenal. We feel we continue to lead this area because of a specific advantage we have. Our team members bring a science and understanding of agronomy to our end users.”

They also go beyond simply selling the hardware. RoboFlight provides other services including an entire agronomic team that can help interpret images using their AgPixel software.

“Precision ag is only as precise as the data. We want to get better data into the hands of producers. Producers are now saying they don’t just want pretty pictures. They want data that is actionable. It’s getting the data all the way into the tractors so you can have actionable differences in the field.”

Phil explains that pricing will vary depending on a producers needs. Their goal is to customize a plan that best fits each individuals goals for data retrieval.

RoboFlight is working with Farm Bureaus in different states and will also be attending various UAV and agriculture conferences.

Listen to Chuck’s complete interview with Phil here: [wpaudio url=”″ text=”Interview with Phil Ellerbroek”]