John Deere’s Vision for Future Partners

Jamie JohansenAgribusiness, Audio, John Deere

jd-integrators-13-janae-tapperThe John Deere API Integrator Conference brought current and future John Deere partners together to learn more about joining forces to provide products that allow producers across the country to do what they do best.

Product Manager for On Board Applications at John Deere Intelligent Solutions Group, Janae Tapper, presented at the conference on what’s new for AgLogic™ and John Deere Field Connect™. In her role for Deere, Janae is responsible for identifying unmet customer needs and working with other team members to move solutions through the product development process.

“We are talking with these developer and integrators saying we have these products and are open to moving forward with more partners. AgLogic has some partners today. Field Connect doesn’t. We are looking to gain these partnerships with these companies and develop solutions that really help our customers grow and make better decisions.”

She goes on to explain their vision for future Field Connect partners.

“We see a lot of potential in the disease test modeling. Alerting of producers when conditions are present. We have our interface that is showing the data to our producers, but it’s how do we take these five specific data points, combine them together so they can make an educated decision. Maybe it’s understanding if diseases are going to be moving into the area and if they need to treat with a chemical or make that application. That’s not our core area as John Deere. We want to have these companies that are familiar with those areas be able to provide those recommendations to our producer.”

You can listen to Chuck’s complete interview with Janae here: [wpaudio url=”″ text=”Interview with Janae Tapper”]

Check out photos from the event here: John Deere API Integrators Conference Photo Album