New John Deere Liquid Fertilizer Applicator

Leah GuffeyAudio, Equipment, Farm Progress Show, Fertilizer, John Deere, Nutrient Management

On display at the Farm Progress Show in the John Deere exhibit was the new 2014 2510L Liquid Fertilizer Applicator, making sidedressing easier.  

_DSC2085“Precision nutrient application technology has grown in importance as our customers continue to address environmental concerns while improving fertilizer use efficiency for the plant,” says Travis Harrison, product specialist from John Deere. “The 2510L enables customers to maximize crop yields through more accurate and timely liquid fertilizer placement.”

This latest model is available in two different models with vertical folds that are 30- and 40-foot with a side fold widths up to 66 feet.  There are 18 spacing and control options and Deere is offering one of the largest tank options, up to 2,400 gallons.

Listen to Travis explain here: [wpaudio url=”″ text=”Interview with Travis Harrison”]

2013 Farm Progress Show Photo Album