Want to know more about the SMS software learning curve, or how Ag Leader products help farmers produce a variety of vegetables, in addition to corn and soybeans, or how tile drainage brings the water table down and yields up? You can find it all, and more, in Ag Leader’s Insights Magazine.
“We want our customers to know that the people who are working on developing these new products are the same types of people they are,” says Lori Costello, Ag Leader Marketing Communications Manager. “A lot of Ag Leader employees either come from a farming background or are currently actively involved in farming. They are key to helping growers learn about their products and be able to keep them maintained and doing what they want them to do out in the field.”
[wpaudio url=”http://precision.agwired.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2013/01/Lori1.mp3″ text=”Listen to Costello explain”]Precision ag isn’t a “one size fits all” product, and Costello says Insights hopes to open up growers’ minds to the possibilities of different farming practices and uses of precision ag technology outside of their own geographic region.
So what kind of content will Insights deliver in 2013? Listen to more from Costello.
[wpaudio url=”http://precision.agwired.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2013/01/Lori3.mp3″ text=”Listen to Costello explain”]And, the magazine had such a great response after its first three issues in 2012 that they’ve added a fourth, making it a FREE quarterly magazine. Growers can either view Insights online (http://www.agleader.com/subscription/) or sign up to have a free copy mailed to their home or business.
Become a fan of Ag Leader on Facebook today, and get the latest precision ag videos on the YouTube channel. For more information about Ag Leader products and services, or to visit the blog site, go to www.agleader.com.