Connecting Precision Ag Data with Crop Reporting Requirements

Melissa SandfortAgribusiness, Data Collection, USDA

A new cloud-based online service designed to bridge the gap between popular farm management software and reporting requirements for crop insurance, USDA and other government entities has been introduced by Independent Data Management, LLC. The service, MyAgData, simplifies the time-consuming, labor-intensive process of identifying Common Land Unit (CLU) information – tracts of farmland defined by the government – and matching it to corresponding planting and harvest data collected by precision farming software systems. The service is now available for the 2013 crop season.

Designed for crop insurance agents, crop advisors and agronomists working in conjunction with their grower clients, MyAgData allows users to upload field data from their software – including crops, planting dates, field borders, non-plant areas and more. The system then automatically matches the field data from the grower’s software with MyAgData’s CLU database, layering required information over each field.