As anyone in precision agriculture can tell you, you have to have good data to make those machines operate exactly how and where you need them to. The folks at Farm Foundation understand this and are offering a free one-hour webinar this Friday at 2 p.m. EDT on how the ag industry needs to respond to changes in data collection systems:
This webinar is organized by the Council on Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics (C-FARE), in partnership with the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA), and Montana State University. Farm Foundation, NFP is a sponsor.
The free webinar will review how federal budget cuts are changing the nature of data collection and data use. Four speakers will provide perspectives on how agricultural statistics are used by the food and fiber sectors, and how the changing nature of data collection, distribution and availability will impact the industry.
Speakers will include Joseph J. Prusacki, Director, Statistics Division, USDA National Agricultural Statisics Service (NASS), providing an overview of data uses, user groups and the impacts of budget cuts; Paul Hughes of Nestle Purina PetCare, looking at perspectives from the grains and oilseed sectors; Jim Robb of the Livestock Marketing Information Center, focusing on how data collection changes will impact the livestock sector; and Mark Seetin of the U.S. Apple Association, offering perspectives from the fruit and vegetable industry.
To register, CLICK HERE and to join the webinar on the day of the event, click on this link. When you are asked to log in, use the “Enter as guest” option. Type in your name and click the “Enter Room” button.