Ag Leader Technology is continuously helping growers leap over the hurdles when it comes to apprehension about adopting precision ag technology. We’ve covered the cost of the new equipment and tools and whether or not it’s user-friendly, so today, we’re talking with MAPS Manager Terry Panbecker with NEW Cooperative in Fort Dodge, Iowa, about:
Obstacle #3: Training & Troubleshooting
We admit it – it’s hard to keep up with rapidly changing technology. And, you may believe it’s a big draw on your pocketbook to bring hired hands or aging farm owners up to speed on the equipment. But, given the payoff at the end of the season, training is essential to using precision ag technologies to their fullest extent.
Panbecker tells us what his team does to help growers prior to the busy planting and harvest seasons.
And when it comes to troubleshooting, even this harvest season when you’re in the cab in the middle of the field, Ag Leader can troubleshoot your equipment: there are software and hardware support specialists on hand to help guide you through the process. Panbecker tells us more.
NEW Cooperative has a Blue Delta Dealer designation, which means their staff achieves the highest level of training Ag Leader offers. That’s what prepares the Blue Delta dealers to pass the training along at local training sessions and provide troubleshooting to growers in the cab during planting and harvest when it’s imperative to keep them moving along at full-speed. Panbecker says this is an advantage to growers and gives them peace-of-mind knowing that these trained experts are just a phone call away.
So, talk with a trusted Ag Leader dealer and consider all the possible benefits. Tune in again next week when we discuss side-by-side comparisons of precision ag technologies.
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