Save Our GPS

Meghan GrebnerAg Leader, Audio, GPS, Growmark, Precision Pays Podcast PodcastI love my TomTom.  I really am not sure what I would do without it.  I come from a small town in Central Illinois and I recently made a career move that took me to Indianapolis.  Tom is the best co-pilot a girl from small town USA that moved to the big city could hope to find.  He takes me turn by turn to my destination, coaxes me through wrong turns and rarely is he incorrect.  At this point, I can’t imagine my life without “him“. 

In this edition of the Podcast, sponsored by Ag Leader Technology, we explore GPS technology.  If you’re like me – and rely on your GPS just to navigate the roadways – imagine how heavily some industries (like agriculture, airlines, railways and even the New York City Fire Department) rely on the accuracy and efficacy of GPS in their daily operations.  What would happen if we lost the ability to use it?  This month we sat down with Sid Parks, Manager of Precision Farming with GROWMARK, and learned about the Coalition to Save Our GPS, how we could potentially lose it and why this is something for us to monitor.

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