News network CNN talked a little precision farming last week during an interview with western Nebraska farmer Steve Tucker. But the interview focused on what Steve does with his time when his auto steering takes the wheel — he keeps up with friends using Twitter on his smartphone.
Nebraska Corn Kernels blog features a good post on the coverage, with links to the video and story.
He made many good points about farming and agriculture – and noted that many folks don’t know where their food comes from and Twitter and other social media tools are a great way to reach out and tell that story.
Plus, the technology gives him a way to have conversations all day long – with friends thousands of miles away. He also noted that farmers are doing a lot more today with less.
Since his story appeared on CNN, Tucker’s ‘followers’ on Twitter grew from about 470 to 830 – and it’s still growing. (The nearest town has a population of less than 200!)