AGCO Adds AgCam Video Camera System

Kurt LawtonCompany Announcement, Displays, Equipment, Precision Ag in the News

If your neck, shoulders and back ache from constantly turning around to view what you’re pulling through the field, check out this farmer-developed AgCam system.

Dakota Micro partnered together with AGCO to sell AgCam, the most comprehensive, user friendly and versatile rear view and monitoring system available. AgCam offers a complete camera system, which consists of a camera, monitor, remote, and cables. Each product may also be ordered separately.

AgCam is commonly used on larger machines such as combines, sprayers, and hay balers. The Massey Ferguson 9005 series, Gleaner A and R series, and Challenger 600B series now have the ability to plug the AgCam camera and cables directly into the factory installed monitor – now achieving a reliable monitoring system is that much easier, just plug and go.

Easy-to-install, built to withstand an ag environment, the ability to be easily moved from one application to another, and can be used day or night, AgCam’s possibilities are endless. AgCam products can be ordered through any AGCO Parts dealer. To locate a dealer nearest you, visit

And if you want to learn about other uses for this system, check out these grower and producer testimonials.