Illinois Farmers Reach Out With GROWMARK 4R4U

Chuck ZimmermanAgWired Precision, Audio, Conservation, Farm Progress Show, Growmark, Nutrient Management

Illinois farmer Jack McCormick uses social media platforms to share information about projects that can fit into the Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy with other farmers and the general public. The effort is part of the Illinois 4R4U program, launched in October 2016. The collaboration between GROWMARK and county Farm Bureaus in Illinois includes trials on cover crops, nitrogen and manure management.

“Sometimes farmers may be looking for a new practice but aren’t sure how to get started. If we can give them some examples in these pilot projects, other farmers can take those ideas and run with it,” says McCormick, who serves on the GROWMARK board of directors. “Plus, giving the general public an idea of the good things we are doing in agriculture. There are a lot of good things that go on every day, but we’re not very good at telling our story.”

McCormick and other farmers in Randolph County use Facebook Live to share short videos about agricultural topics, with thousands of views so far.

Learn more in Cindy’s interview with Jack McCormick from last week’s Farm Progress Show: Interview with Jack McCormick, Illinois farmer

2017 Farm Progress Show Photo Album

Coverage of the Farm Progress Show is sponsored by Coverage of the Farm Progress Show is sponsored by John DeereCoverage of the Farm Progress Show is sponsored by GrowmarkCoverage of the Farm Progress Show is sponsored by Bayer CropScience