Ninety Years of DuPont Pioneer at #ASTACSS

Kelly MarshallAg Group, ASTA, Audio, Dupont Pioneer

Part two of the “Glancing Back and Moving Forward in a Rapidly Changing Industry” session from ASTA CSS brings us to Paul Schickler, President of DuPont Pioneer, but if you missed yesterday’s post with Sonny Beck, make sure and check that out too!

DuPont Pioneer has a strong 90 year history, says Schickler, and that’s due in large part to the philosophy of Stepping Up, Offering Solutions, and Looking Beyond.  Schickler has found this to be true in his own career – finding innovative ways to get his Master’s, taking a management course, and meeting challenges laid out by his company, but it’s critical to the industry as well.

“Be part of the transformation. You look at agriculture and it’s hard to think of another industry that goes through more change, more dynamic transformation, than agriculture,” he says. We can reflect back on the changes during DuPont Pioneer’s 90 years in areas like yield, cross breeding, and biotechnology. Now we have the opportunity to learn from the past as we move forward with new technology, like CRISPR-Cas gene editing.

The next 90 years will look vastly different from the past.  We have more government regulation, more consumer scrutiny than ever before.  But we can be prepared for it, Schickler believes; we can be involved and transparent.

Listen to Schickler’s opening remarks, and stop by tomorrow to hear from Jon Leafstedt at Kincannon and Reed. [wpaudio url=”″ text=”Paul Schickler, President of DuPont Pioneer”]

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