St. Louis Science Center Adds Ag Exhibit

Lizzy SchultzAg Group, Company Announcement, Education, sustainability, Youth

SLSC_basiclogo_white The Saint Louis Science Center has announced that GROW, the center’s permanent new agriculture exhibit, will open to the public this month on June 18. The exhibit will highlight the journey of food from farm to fork through 40 interactive exhibits, demonstrations, and events.

GROW is the first permanent agriculture exhibit of its size in the United States, and is designed with the intent to help visitors gain a deeper understanding of our food supply and the vital role we all play in the stewardship of our food. GROW is the Science Center’s first major addition since 1991.

“The Midwest region is filled with people and businesses who are responsible for our food supply. In fact, you don’t have to travel very far from the Science Center to see how important food and farming are to this area,” said Bert Vescolani, president and CEO of the Saint Louis Science Center. “Everyone likes to see how things grow, but when it is the food you eat, it is even more interesting. This exhibit helps connect people to the science behind all of the important elements in producing the food we eat and the challenges we face in sustaining our food supply.”

Many of the exhibit spaces will exist within the GROW Pavilion, an indoor space that features exhibits, educational programs, a bi-state agriculture map, and planned events that explore farming and its vital role in today’s complex local and global economies. Another space, the Farm Tech Field, will teach visitors all about the different ways scientists use technology to meet new challenges in agriculture. Animal Corral will allow individuals to try their hand at milking a life-sized cow, and then compare it with modern technology that allows for faster hands-free milking. On select days, local farmers will visit, bringing their animals with them. The HomeGROWn exhibit space will teach visitors all about growing food in their own backyard, and Fermentation Station will show the science behind making craft beer, wine, cheese and bread. Drop by and try our hands-on beer brewing and wine fermentation experiences.

More information about GROW may be found here.