NutriSphere-N Shown to Increase Corn Yield

Kelly MarshallAgribusiness, Corn, Fertilizer, Irrigation, Nitrogen

VerdisianThree years of study have shown NutriSphere-N Nitrogen Fertilizer Manger to increase yields more than 10 bushel per acre on corn when applied through a center-pivot irrigation system.

Irrigation Research Foundation, a private, non-profit, independent research and demonstration farm located in Yuma, Colorado provided the research.  Executive Director, Charles Corey, explains that use of NutriSphere-N made nitrogen more available for plants, regardless of field and moisture conditions.  Without the fertilizer the corn showed more stress under conditions such as excessive rainfall, low water application, hot and cool temperatures and other stresses during the research trials.

“Looking at the outcome of these trials in comparison to the corn not treated with NutriSphere-N, we saw upwards of a 10 to 12* – in some cases 15* – Bu./A yield advantage where NutriSphere-N was applied,” Corey says. “The improved plant performance and yield increases were pretty amazing to us.”

The field research trial showed:
In 2014, corn treated with 150 gallons per acre of UAN and NutriSphere-N produced 15 more Bu./A* than did 150 gallons of UAN applied without NutriSphere-N: 218.5 Bu./A* compared to 203.5 Bu./A, respectively.

The same research trial comparison in 2013 yielded 203.5 Bu./A* for the corn treated with the product versus 186.8 Bu./A for the untreated corn.

In 2012, the yield differential from application of 175 gallons per acre of UAN with and without NutriSphere-N was 237.7 Bu./A* and 225 Bu./A, respectively.

“This will be our fifth year doing trial work with the NutriSphere-N, and over the years we’ve seen quite a bit of variation in weather conditions and the amount of rainfall received,” Corey explains. “This year, we had our entire annual rainfall in just two days, so it was a real nitrogen-management challenge given the degree of potential leaching and ideal environment for nitrogen loss.”

NutriSphere-N, offered by Verdesian Life Sciences, makes nitrogen more available by use of a patented polymer technology that slows the conversion of nitrogen.  The conversion prevents loss through volition, leaching and denitrification.   The product can provide nitrogen protection for 10 to 12 months.