Hick Chick Chat with GROWMARK at NAFB

Leah GuffeyAudio, Growmark, Hick Chick Chat, NAFB, Nutrient Management

leahpro250At the recent National Association of Farm Broadcasting Trade Talk I had a chance to visit with Dr. Howard Brown from GROWMARK about Nitrogen. Dr. Brown is probably the most passionate person I’ve ever met when it comes to nitrogen application and how to make it work for your growing season. Minimize, Optimize and Maximize (MOM) for higher yields and profitability for the future. You think of MOM for Christmas, don’t you?

15784010132_099dba5031_mDr. Brown also discussed the comment period for the Illinois Nutrient Reduction Strategy. When we recorded this interview the comment period had not yet opened but it is now. You can go here to make your voice heard in the state of Illinois.

You can listen to my chat here: [wpaudio url=”http://www.zimmcomm.biz/podcast/hickchickchat-14-growmark-brown.mp3″ text=”Hick Chick Chat with GROWMARK at NAFB”]

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